Chapter 19

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We were in Audrey's dorm room now, apparently, we were sad for her because what she did wasn't her fault or whatever so I was kinda pissed at that conclusion. I held onto Harry's arm which he had expressed might be a favorite of his. 

As everyone woke up Ben made an announcement that they were safe and that the situation had been handled and to head back to their respective dorm until further notice to avoid pandemonium. The old King and Queen had rushed to where he was, which is where we all were at the moment, Audreys room,

"Oh my god, what happened?"

Belle said as she looked at her still rather disheveled son all as he was leading them in,

"Audrey was the one who stole the scepter, but we got a team in and handled the situation"

"What team?"

Adam/the beast said. Ben gestured his hand to us, aka Uma, Gil, Harry, and I, and of course the VKs. Belle gasped at the sight of all the new presumed villains in front of her,

"Mom, Dad, this is Uma, Gil, Harry, and Holland- I mean Holly"

He corrected it quickly. I scoffed and playfully rolled my eyes,

"I'll let it slide"

I said to Ben, Belle and Adam were still somewhat taken aback,

"So, the daughter of Ursula, the son of Gaston, the son of Hook, and the daughter of Hades... how did you conjure up such a force?"

Adam said,

"Well Mal kinda tricked them into doing so but after she came forward and... one of them almost biting the dust they all naturally came together to save everyone"

Belle gasped,

"Who almost died?"

She said, typical worried mother,

"Ironically enough, that would be me"

I said as I let go of Harry's arm and stepped forward. Both of them tilted their heads,

"The ember went out at one point, I don't like discussing my weaknesses with those I do not trust but all I have to say is that's not good for me. Anyway, what saved me ironically enough was Audrey beating me up and putting me to sleep, just to be woken up by Mr. Hook over there"

Belle's eyes went wide before clapping some,

"True loves kiss works every time!"

She whispered to herself. I chuckled and rolled my eyes,

"Adam, Belle, I just want you both to know that the only reason why we're all here today is because of Holly, and if you backtrack it far enough it's because of Harry Hook, and even further it's because of Uma for convincing Harry to kiss Holly in the first place"

Mal said. I furrowed my brow and turned to face her,

"Mal you know it was a combined effort from everyone"

"But you specifically sacrificed your own safety when you were weak to save me, multiple times. All just to end up putting your life on the line for all of Auradon. You guys weren't there to see it but Holly went face to face with possible death. It was literally a battle of god-like proportions. I know I sound like I'm gushing but I just can't let this slip by without everyone knowing that the face of all evil and everything bad saved their lives. I can't let her once upon a time get lost in translation by any means"

I slowly turned back around, feeling suddenly emotional. I turned back to Mal for a second, tears in my eyes before opening my arms to her and giving her a tight hug,

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