I Missed You Pt2

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Holly POV

Harry's been away for the first week now and can I say I haven't been this bored since I was on the Isle. We still talk every day through calls and texting but obviously, it's not all the time since he gets busy, nor is it anywhere near the same as face to face.

As for me, I don't really get busy, all I really do is hang out with Mal, Uma, and Evie for the first portion of the day then I go and take naps for the rest of the day. It's literally my exact same schedule as to when I lived on the Isle. Get up, get dressed, go hang with friends, get food, head back home, fall asleep, repeat. Not to fulfilling right? Yeah, every day is starting to blur together already. 

It sounds like his family bonding experience is proving to be worth it though, I don't hear about how annoying his sisters are or how hard-headed his dad is. Instead, I hear about something funny CJ or Harriet did and something his dad taught him that day or a story he had told them about his glory days. The only real exciting thing I get a day was his little update on what Harry had done that day and the occasional verbal fight I get in with people often.

I miss him like crazy. I didn't realize how many hours I used to spend sleeping until there was no one to actually do stuff with. Yeah I could hang with Mal or Uma longer, but it doesn't feel the same. I never went on walks in the Enchanted Forest with Mal or Uma, but I do with Harry. I miss the little things, realizing that I took them for granted when he was here. For example, when I'm reading and he's trying to take a nap I'd lay with him and whisper read to him to help him fall asleep. Now I whisper to myself and the ghosts that inevitably surround the air around me.

I feel like he'll come back invigorated, a new spark sort of thing. That's how I felt when Mal and I finally made up at least. As awesome as that is, I selfishly miss him more than I maybe should. 

Harry POV

Dad asked me to hang back a little from joining my sisters on our daily adventure that we go on in the morning. Every morning we've been here we adventure into the forest and just explore for a while until dad gets us jobs to do. I walked into my dad's cabin, without knocking because the door was already open. I had brought my Isle clothes with me for this adventure, so naturally, I wore my dads old red jacket almost every day, and almost every day my dads said something about it. Today however he seemed preoccupied, something else was on his mind,

"Hey son, sit down"

He said quietly, which is a complete contrast as to how he normally talks with his naturally booming voice and all. I sat down and bounced my leg,

"Whats is it da?"

I said, attempting to cut to the chase since CJ and Harriet were way ahead of me already,

"You mentioning your girlfriend the other day made me remember something..."

I furrowed my brow and glanced to the door, contemplating whether I should just make a break for it or not,

"... I've always wanted to give you this but we've never been on this good of terms. Listen son..."

He said as he leaned forward in his chair, a small velvet box in his hand. I stopped looking at the door and gave him my full attention,

"... I'm not one to believe in miracles and silly stuff like that you know me, but I do believe in one thing and that's that if something is meant to be then it'll be. This son, is something that means a lot to me..."

He said holding up the box,

"... I gave this to a very special woman when I felt that everything felt right, I want you to do the same when you feel that your meant to be time comes"

He handed me the box which I carefully took. I slowly opened the box and nearly fainted on the spot. There in the small box was something that unlocked dozens of memories of my ma, not just that but the reason why my dad had given this to me had my heart skip a beat.

There in the small velvet box was my moms engagement ring.


Hiya! This one is a little short and has a but of a cut off but I like the dramatic feel to it soooooo yeah :) Still getting into a rhythm, but I'm getting there I promise :D Also, there are longer chapters coming, but there wasn't much content I had to put into this one so it looks a little silly compared to the other chapters but its alrightttttt :P Don't forget to drink some water and be kind to yourself today :D


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