Chapter 21

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I waited for the limo to get back in Audrey's room, we had reconvened there once Holly and the crew were on their way back to the Isle. I took a deep breath before breaking the silence between Ben, Adam, and Belle, and now Fairy Godmother. Audrey's grandma was at her bedside not paying attention to the conversation,

"Uhm... I need to say something"

I said somewhat quietly,

"What is it?"

Said Ben as he held my hand, that was always reassuring for me,

"What Holly and the crew did is extraordinary. Like Holly, she called upon the gods for Auradon. She saved all of us, they all did the impossible. And because of that, I'd like to reconsider closing the barrier"

Ben looked at me with a shocked expression, so did Adam, Belle, and FG,

"Why the sudden change of heart?"

Whispered Belle,

"Well isn't it obvious? I was wrong, I forgot what it's like to be someone that goes from being feared to being adored. I... I wanna take down the barrier for good. We can't make a change unless we're face to face. That's the only time Holly changed, was when she was here not there"

FG slowly nodded,

"Adam, Belle, it actually makes quite good sense. I can imagine when that pirate crew plus Holly came along they were an absolute nightmare, but they surely didn't look like that when they left"

"She was crying after all"

Adam added, I looked back to him,


"Before she got into the limo, when you two were talking"

"She wanted to stay and look out for me, but she said she has a job on the Isle, which is why I think a bridge connecting the two would be our best bet to make a permanent change"

We talked for a while, trying not to be too loud so Audrey's grandma wouldn't hear, she's a very opinionated woman after all.

Hades arrived, chains and all. He looked very over the entire situation. He greeted me and did Audreys thing without giving it much effort, despite the fact that it was wildly impressive what he just did. He obviously didn't want to be here,

"You know, it's funny how a princess can force an entire kingdom to submission by spelling everyone all out of pure jealousy and she gets a mild slap on the wrist by you guys while if anyone on the Isle would do that they'd be looked at as a monster, hell the most punishment this girl got was from my own daughter"

He said out of nowhere. We were all rather taken aback. Adam stepped forward,

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He said with a growl. Hades stepped up to Adam and got in his face,

"That means, even my daughter was pissed about this. The fact that this girl gets off so easy for doing something like this is absurd. The entire Isle saw what went down, I know what my daughter did, unlike you sleeping idiots. My daughter had to use her power AND with my brother's help in order to beat her. That girl was dead set on the plan she had, and because of all this, my daughter almost died. I'm telling you, you're lucky Holland has a soul at all, I would've killed her"

Hades said with such an angry passion I think it scared everyone,

"Look at the girl, she's obviously learned her lesson"

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