Ch. 3

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It had been about a week since they had come to Vine Academy. Their integration into the friend group was completely natural, like they had always been part of it.

Roman was talking with Janus at his locker. The conversation wasn't very interesting, so it wasn't very surprising when Roman got distracted.

His breath caught in his throat, and he flushed.

The purple haired boy from before was walking out of a classroom. He had his headphones on, scrolling through something on his phone.

"I wouldn't."

Roman jumped, looking at Janus.

Janus had an oddly serious expression on his face, looking Roman directly in the eyes.

"You wouldn't...what?" Roman asked.

"I wouldn't get involved with Virgil Pryder." Janus crossed his arms. "He's usually by himself. I don't know what it is, but I don't think you should be involved with him."

So, Virgil was his name.

"Why not? He's gorgeous." Roman mumbled.

"I know he is. He's the hottest guy in the school." Janus scoffed. "And yet, no one dares to approach him. I have a theory as to why."

"This should be good." Roman rolled his eyes.

"I think that he went to prison or something."

Roman's eyes bulged out of his head. "Prison? Why?"

"He's too perfect. He has to have a really big flaw."

"That's very presumptuous."

"Your face is very presumptuous."

"That doesn't even make sense."

Roman glanced back at where Virgil was standing.

Virgil was looking directly at him. The second he realized Roman had noticed him, he turned bright red.

Oh yeah.

Roman definitely wanted to know more about him.


"Virgil Pryder?" Patton tilted his head, taking a bite of his sandwich. "I don't know that much about him, actually."

"Well, what do you know about him?" Roman asked, aware that he only had so much time before everyone else finished getting their lunches.

"That he's been going here longer than I have." Patton offered. "He's kinda standoffish." He took another bite. "He's hot, though."

"Who's hot?" Remus asked, sitting down next to Roman. He took one look at Roman's face. "Ah, bushes boy."

"Bushes boy?" Logan rose brow, placing his tray next to Patton's. He sat down

"Virgil." Patton told him.

"How much do you know about him, Lo?" Roman asked. Remus snorted, but didn't say anything.

"He's not a reliable lab partner." Logan answered instantly, not even looking up from his salad.

"That information is practically useless." Roman deadpanned.

"No, it's very helpful." Logan looked Roman dead in the eyes. "Now you know who not to partner up with."

"He'll probably partner up with him anyways." Remus commented, elbowing Roman. "Ro is not one to prioritize his grades over his love life."

"You disgust me." Logan said simply, taking a bite of his salad.

"Me or Roman?" Remus asked.

"Doesn't matter." Logan shook his head.

"Why are you so interested in Virgil anyways, Ro-Ro?" Patton asked, looking at him curiously. "Do you know him or something?"

"Nah, Ro's been bitten by the love bug~" Remus smirked. Roman turned beet red, shoving him.


"I still think it's a bad idea." They all jumped, having not noticed that Janus had sat down.

"What is it with you and Pryder anyways?" Logan asked, raising a brow. "Did he do something to you?"

"No." Janus shook his head. "I just don't like him."

"But why?" Logan pressed.

"He's too pretty, it's infuriating." Janus huffed. Logan looked bewildered. "If I wasn't ace aro, I'd totally be a mess over him. But since I am, I fucking hate him. How dare he look like that."

"I am...confused." Logan murmured.

"You're pretty hot too, Ro." Janus said. "I mean, look at you. You're like every straight girl and gay guy's dream."

"Me too?" Remus asked, pointing to himself.

"No, you're like the greasy version of him." Janus waved him off.


"You're exaggerating." Roman rolled his eyes.

"No, Ro! You're really handsome!" Patton insisted. "Like, Virgil is more alluring and mysterious. His beauty is more mystical." Patton rubbed his chin. "But you're beauty is more...bold! Like, you make people pay attention to you."

"That's a...good thing?" Roman asked.

"A very good thing." Patton booped his nose, like that somehow proved how good it was.

"I have to agree." Logan pushed up his glasses.

"Wow, didn't know you were all thirsting over my brother." Remus snorted. "I feel like I should be offended."

"You're handsome too, Ree!" Patton assured him. "I mean, you're identical twins!"

"But Ro works out more, and has a better tan, and his teeth are perfect--" Remus listed off.

"Stop!" Patton cried. Remus immediately clamped his mouth shut, smirking slightly.

"But you still have the same red hair. The same green eyes." Logan pointed out.

"I would hate to stop this conversation," Janus interjected. "But a certain someone is looking right at you, Ro."

Roman rose a brow, looking around.

Green eyes locked onto stormy grey ones. (Stfu pjo fans I already know what you're going to say)

Purple hair obscured his eyes. Making them appear almost...



The fact that I spent so long contemplating if I should make "Magenta" a thing in all the chapters is pretty sad ngl

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