Ch. 20

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I just GROANED when I realized how much of the storyboard is left.

Roman got home that day to find no one in the living room.

Now, this wouldn't be unusual if Remus didn't spend the majority of his time in the living room.

But he did, so Roman instantly assumed the worst.

"Ree?!" He called into the house.

No response.

Roman's heart dropped to his shoes.

"Remus?!" He called again, rushing up the stairs.

He yanked open the door to Remus' room.

"Re...mus...?" Roman stopped, stunned.

Remus was curled up in his blankets, completely silent. He didn't even poke his head out to glance Roman's way.

"Are you okay?" Roman asked, walking over.

"...go away."

"I'm going to take that as a no." Roman sighed, sitting down on his bed. "You wanna talk?"

"Just realizing that nothing's changed, that's all."

"What do you mean?" Roman furrowed his brow.

"Everywhere I go, bad things happen." Remus murmured, curling up tighter. "When we were in 1st grade, our neighbors house flooded. In 3rd, that woman got shot about a block away from our house. In 4th, there was a tornado."

"None of those things were your fault."

"That's what I thought too!" Remus exclaimed, poking his head out to glare at Roman. "But the second we move, bad things always start happening. Remember when we moved to Wisconsin? The second we got there, that man got hit by a car."

"That didn't have anything to do with us!"

"Then how about this, huh? Janus is killed, Logan is attacked, and I can tell you and Patton are wearing thin." Remus looked away from Roman. "Maybe I'm just bad luck. I was always the 'evil twin' or whatever, maybe they were right."

"Don't tell me you're blaming yourself!" Roman frowned. "Ree, that's ridiculous!

"Is it?" Remus murmured, looking back at Roman.

"Yeah! I mean--think of all the good things that have happened! We reunited with Remy, I met Virgil!"

"That's because your good luck came through." Remus grumbled.

"I would hardly call myself lucky." Roman snorted.

"Look at you, Ro." Remus rolled his eyes. "You're perfect. You can sing, you can draw, you're kind, you're good-looking." Remus huffed, pulling the blanket back over his head. "It's only natural that I'm a complete fuck up."

"Ree, where is all of this coming from?" Roman asked.

"Patton leaving me just got me thinking, I guess. What if this is all my fault?" Remus mumbled. "What if it's someone from the old school? One of the numerous people I've managed to piss off."

"I doubt they would go as far as to follow you here." Roman shook his head.

"You don't know all of them, Ro. There were some crazy motherfuckers there." Remus grumbled. "One guy threatened to chop my fingers off when I refused to break into his neighbor's house with him."

"Seriously?" Roman's eyes widened.

"Yeah, seriously." Remus huffed. "I wouldn't put it above them to come here and destroy any hopes of a new life."

"B-But Lo said he had an idea of who it was! Logan wouldn't know about them, would he? So there's no guarantee that it was them!"

"Maybe." Remus sighed.

"Even if it is some psycho from our old school," Roman smiled. "I'll still stay by your side, no matter what!"

Remus paused. "Give me your phone."

"Huh?" Roman furrowed his brow.

Remus held out his hand expectantly. "You heard me."

Roman hesitated, before pulling out his phone and handing it to Remus.

Remus instantly got to work.

After a few minutes, he handed it back to Roman.


"I installed a tracking app." Remus told him. "I'm not taking any chances." He ran a hand through his hair. "It works both ways. This way, we can keep tabs on each other."

"Good idea." Roman nodded. "Thanks, Ree."

"No problem, now get out of my room." Remus layed back down.

Roman rolled his eyes, before standing up and walking to the door.



"...thanks, I feel a bit better."

Roman smiled. "You're welcome, Ree."


There was a knock at the door during dinner.

Their father instantly stood up, going to answer the door.

"Mr. Prince, I assume?"

"Uh, yeah." Their father said.

Roman and Remus looked over, and their eyes widened.

"Mr. Berry?" Roman asked.

"I'm afraid not." Theodore sighed. "Right now, I'm Detective Berry."

"Oh, sorry." Roman stood up. "What brings you here, Detective Berry?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Prince. I need to interrupt your dinner." Theodore shrugged. "I have to question your sons."

"That's fine." Their father said, letting him inside. "How long do you think this will take?"

"That depends on how much your boys have to say." Theodore smiled wryly. "I'll start with Roman."

"Right." Roman nodded, sitting down in the couch.

"I'm going to ask you two to step into another room." Theodore said, sitting down on the chair that was next to the couch.

"Have fun." Remus grumbled, walking into another room with their father.

"Okay, Roman." Theodore crossed his arms. "This shouldn't be too hard."


We're not even through the second page of my 4 page storyboard 😔😔

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