Ch. 45

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Roman wasn't sure what he thought about more, offing himself or turning himself in. He basically killed them. Logan was as good as dead, anyways. Maybe if he was gone, Virgil would stop.

For weeks, Roman had been tormented by night terrors. They all started the same, with him walking onto a stage. Roman had always wanted to be on Broadway, so of course he had always started off excited. Stupid.

Quickly, he would begin to realize that his hands were tied behind his back, and the audience was leering at him. Some guard would grab his arm and drag him forward, and he would finally notice what's in the middle of the stage.

A giant, wooden pole, with a pile of dry hay and sticks underneath it. It's poetic really, Roman being burned at the stake.

They would tie him to the stake, and it should be fairly obvious what happens next.

He would wake up in a sweat, feeling an indescribable heat all around him.

He knew people were worried about him. They shouldn't be. Virgil was going to kill him anyways. It was terrifying, how quickly Roman had gotten used to looking over his shoulder every five minutes.

Dying didn't really seem to be too bad of an option, if he was being honest. It might just be the solution he had been looking for.

"So what? I'm just gonna run away like a coward?" Roman snorted to himself. "Stupid."

He shouldn't. That probably would make the problem worse. What if Virgil took his anger out on his family? On his friends? Roman wouldn't be able to forgive himself for that.

He really was upset, though. That Virgil murdered Emile in cold blood. He had been doing his best to ignore that thought, knowing that his anger would drive him to do something stupid.

Why should he hold himself back, though? Virgil had never done the same for him.

When Virgil was angry with Roman, he had no problem with telling Roman exactly how angry he was. Why couldn't Roman do the same?

"Because he'll kill you, dumbass."

That's probably what Logan would have said.

Unfortunately, Logan wasn't there to say it.

So Roman got up, suddenly determined.

He was going to give Virgil a piece of  his mind.


Roman banged on the door.

Virgil looked rather unhappy when he opened it, but quickly brightened when he saw who was at the door. "Roman!" He chirped.

Roman didn't reply, glaring at Virgil.

Virgil shuffled awkwardly, before opening the door a bit and letting Roman in. The second he closed the door, Roman scowled at him.

"What is wrong with you?" Roman hissed. "He was seven years old. Seven!"

"I can explain."

"First it was Janus, then it was Logan, and now--" Roman huffed, gritting his teeth. "Why do you feel the need to attack the people I care about?!"

"Hey, calm down." Virgil shook his head. "Everything I've ever done has been for your sake--for our sake! They were trying to take you away from me!"

"A seven year old boy was trying to take me away from you?!" Roman asked incredulously.

"That was different." Virgil mumbled.

"Different?! I don't think so, I mean you killed him too!" Roman barked. "What possible motive could you have to justify the murder of a seven year old boy?!"

"That seven year old boy's rotten brother was getting a little two close to finding out the truth, Ro." Virgil hummed. "I needed something to throw him off."

"So you resorted to killing a child?!" Roman asked incredulously. "You're disgusting!"

"Hey!" Virgil snapped. "I did it for us!"

"For us?" Roman echoed, laughing humorlessly. He shook his head, pursing his lips. "I don't know what I ever saw in you."

"You don't mean that." Virgil reached for his hand.

"I do." Roman moved before Virgil could even touch him. "You're a broken human being, Virgil."

"Broken?" Virgil repeated. "No--Roman, you love me!"

"No, I don't!" Roman yelled. "I did at one point, but you ruined it! You're such a--ugh!" He grit his teeth. "I..."

"You what, Ro?" Virgil pressed, brow furrowed.

"...I don't want to see you anymore." Roman choked out.

There it was. The words Roman had been wanting to say for months now.

Virgil turned white as a sheet. "What...?" He stammered out. "R-Roman--!"

"I can't do this, Virgil!" Roman spat. "You're an evil, evil person." He shook his head. "I don't want to be with you anymore. Not like this."

" there someone else?" Virgil demanded. "Are you cheating on me?"

"No! How many times are you going to ask that?!" Roman yelled. "I'm just not happy with you, okay?!"

"But...we're in love." Virgil furrowed his brow, seeming more confused by the second.

"No, Virgil." Roman frowned. "We're not."

Virgil staggered back like he had been slapped. "What...?"

"I won't tell the police, okay?" That was a lie. "I just...don't wanna do this anymore."

Virgil's eyes were still wide in horror. "You're breaking up with me...?"

"Yeah. I am." Roman gulped. He turned to leave, feeling like a weight was lifted off of his chest.

Something was slammed against the back of his head, causing pain to overwhelm his skull. He cried out, falling to the floor.

As his vision began to fade, the last thing he was truly aware of was Virgil gently scooping him up in his arms.



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