Ch. 8

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Am I flexing the fact that I was in the sneak a peek puppies commercial when I was like eleven? Yes.

Roman sipped nervously on his milkshake.

"Relax." Virgil chuckled. "You're tense."

"It's just that I've never done...this." Roman gestured to the entire restaurant.

"A date?" Virgil tilted his head. "No way. You're telling me that someone who looks like you has never been on a date?"

"I'm not exactly supermodel material." Roman rolled his eyes. "People always said that I was...clingy."

"Clingy?" Virgil pressed.

"Yeah," Roman sighed. "That I ask too much of people. That's probably why I didn't have too many friends."

"Well I think they're wrong." Virgil huffed. "Fuck those guys. You're one of the most genuine people I've had the pleasure of meeting."

"You really think so?" Roman asked.

"Hell yeah!" Virgil nodded. "Do you really think we would be here right now if I found you clingy?"

"I mean, we haven't known each other that long." Roman muttered.

"And yet we've already shared a bed." Virgil smirked. "That must mean you've been doing something right."

"Virgil, we're in public!" Roman whispered harshly. "And thanks, I feel a bit better."

"Anytime, Princey." Virgil hummed.

There was an awkward pause.

"So...Patton told me he has a younger brother." Roman commented.

"Oh? What's his name?"

"I think it was...Emile? He's apparently seven." Roman said.

"Cute." Virgil chuckled. "I'm not sure why I'm hearing about your friend's kid brother during our date, though."

"Oh--That is--" Roman stammered. "I wanted to ask if you have any siblings."

"I don't. I've always been an only child." Virgil shrugged. "What's it like?"

"Annoying." Roman rolled his eyes. "I remember when we were eight, Remus pushed me down the stairs."

"What?!" Virgil exclaimed.

"He didn't just outright push me!" Roman quickly assured. "We had this toy shopping cart that our dad bought for us, right?"


"I climbed into this shopping cart, and agreed to let Remus push me around. Should've done it downstairs." Roman sighed. "I didn't get hurt or anything, but it was absolutely terrifying."

"Now I'm kind of glad I don't have a sibling." Virgil laughed. "They seem to be a bit of a bother."

"Well, he's always there for me when I really need him." Roman sighed, running a hand through his hair. "He's dependable."

"You seem to think highly of your brother." Virgil commented.

"He's always been a pain in the ass, but I'd trust him with my life." Roman shook his head fondly. "If you tell him I said that, I'll kill you myself."

Virgil laughed softly. "Despite being identical twins, you seem to not be anything alike."

"Oh my god," Roman rolled his eyes. "People seem to have some weird idea that twins are either exactly alike, or completely different. That's not really the case. We have some things in common, but not everything. We're still two different people."

"Well, pardon me." Virgil snorted.


Virgil stopped the car in front of Roman's house. "You mind if I come inside? I need to use the bathroom."

"Sure." Roman chirped, getting out of the car.

When they entered the house, they saw that Janus was playing a board game with Remus.

"Oh great." Janus growled.

"Relax, I'm just going to the bathroom." Virgil rolled his eyes, walking past them.

It was silent until the sound of the bathroom door shutting could be heard.

"You were on a date with Pryder?!" Janus exclaimed immediately.

"Here we go." Remus grumbled.

"I was." Roman responded firmly.

"Roman, you just met him!"

"So? I'm getting to know more about him, just like you wanted!"

"Are you dating him now?! What the fuck are you doing?! You're moving way too fast!" Janus exclaimed.

"I'm gonna go make some nachos, so..." Remus mumbled awkwardly, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"Are you my mom?! Why do you care so much?!" Roman yelled. "Do you like him or something?!"

"I'm asexual aromantic, Ro!" Janus snapped. "And I hate Pryder's guts!"

"Okay, so why should it be any of your business who I date?!"

"Pryder is an unsympathetic, callous, unfeeling individual!"

"He's in the other room! He'll hear you!"

"Let him!"

"You don't even know him!"

"I don't need to know him! The reason he hangs out by himself is because no one wants to hang out with a freak with purple hair!"

"Why can't you just accept that I'm happy?!"

"I--" Janus huffed. "You know what? Fine. Whatever. Do what you want. You're right, I'm not your mom."

"I don't want to fight with you, Janus." Roman told him. "I can talk something out with Virgil, see if I can try and get you two to become friends."

"I'm sorry, Ro. I just--" Janus sighed. "What will you do if we can't become friends?"

"Well, if it comes down to that..." Roman thought about it. "I'm willing to cut things off with Virgil indefinitely."

"Wha--I can't ask you to--"

"Which shows how confident I am that you two can work it out!" Roman beamed.

Janus shook his head. "You're too reckless."

"I have nachos! Stop fighting!" Remus exclaimed, running back into the room. "Oh."

The flush of a toilet could be heard.

A few moments later, Virgil emerged from the bathroom.

"Thanks for letting me use your facilities, Princey." He said, shooting Roman a wink.

"N-No problem." Roman stammered, turning red.

"I'm off." Virgil gave them a salute, before walking out the door.


The shopping cart story is an actual thing that my friend's sister did to her 👁👁

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