Ch. 17

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"Tell me, Roman." Theodore huffed, giving him a weary look. "How bad was it?"

Roman could tell that he didn't wanna know the answer, but gave him it anyways.

"It wasn't good." Roman shook his head. "We found him in the park, under the slide." Roman pursed his lips. "There was...a lot of blood. It was e-everywhere."

Theodore put his head in his hands. "Shit." He mumbled. "I knew I shouldn't have told him about the murder."

"Why?" Patton asked.

"Logan is brilliant." Theodore smiled softly. "If he thinks he can help, then he'll do everything in his power to help. Janus...he was close to Lo. So, when I told him that he was murdered." He shook his head, smile dimming. "I should've known he would've pursued the culprit."

"You're saying that Janus' killer was behind this?" Remus furrowed his brow.

"Most likely." Theodore shook his head. "Did Logan mention anything about the killer?"

"He said he had someone in mind, but that's about it." Roman supplied.

Theodore cursed, running a tired hand through his hair. "Logan really is a sensitive boy, you know? He used to be a lot like you, Patton."

"Really? Like me?" Patton tilted his head. Theodore nodded.

"He was excitable, like a puppy." Theodore chuckled fondly. "A lot like his mother."

"...what happened?" Roman asked.

"She passed, about a year before we moved here." Theodore huffed. "I handled her death the only way I knew how, I threw myself into my work." He shook his head. "Logan followed my example. After his mother died, he became less like her. More like me." Theodore snorted. "Started calling me 'Father.' Told me he was going to become a detective."

They were all silent, frown deepening at his words.

"I don't want him to be like me." Theodore whispered. "I wanted him to be happy. That's why we moved here. A change of pace. A new start. I was hoping he would find people who would make him happy. And he did."

"Poor Lo..." Patton murmured, eyes filling with tears.

"God, I don't know what I'll do if he dies...!" Theodore threw his head in his hands. "He's all I have left, dammit!"

"Pat-Pat!" Everyone looked towards the source.

A boy came waddling over, glasses that were two big for his face were resting upon his little nose. One of his front teeth were missing, but he grinned broadly despite of that.

"Emile? What are you--?" Patton's words died in his throat as he looked behind him.

The man behind Emile had blue eyes, which were the same shade as Patton's. These eyes, however, were cold, cruel.

"Patton Libum." He scowled.

"H-Hello, Father." Patton mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"You're supposed to be doing homework right now. The last place I expected to find you was the hospital."

"Mommy was crying super hard, Pat-Pat." Emile frowned. "You shouldn't make mommy cry."

"How do you expect to become successful if you slack off your work?" Patton's father glared at him.

"L-Logan was attacked, Father." Patton murmured, still keeping his eyes on the ground. "I wanted to make sure he was alright."

"Logan Berry was attacked, huh?" Mr. Libum rose a brow. "It was only a matter of time, considering his father's line of work."

"I see you're well, Eric." Theodore growled, not appreciating his comment at all.

"It's Mr. Libum, Mr. Berry." Eric snapped. "Patton, we're going home."

"B-But Logan--!"

"You can find out about your friend's condition tomorrow." Mr. Libum crossed his arms impatiently. "Your homework is more important."

"Father is going to get angry if you don't go, Pat-Pat." Emile whispered.

Patton gritted his teeth for a moment, before giving them all an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Mr. Berry, I have to go."

He turned to Roman and Remus, sighing. "I think it's best if we don't see each other anymore."

"'re saying that you're breaking off our friendship?" Roman asked, eyes widening.

"B-But--Patton, what about us?!" Remus exclaimed. "I-I thought--"

"I'm sorry, Remus." Patton frowned.

"Patton," Mr. Libum scowled. "Let's go."

Patton took a deep breath, before walking over to his father.

Mr. Libum grabbed Patton's arm tightly, and harshly dragged him away.

Whilst they were walking out, another person came in.

"Virgil," Roman smiled, standing up.

Virgil tightly embraced Roman. "How is he?" He asked Roman.

"He's in surgery right now. We don't know of his condition." Roman told him.

"I can't believe this is happening." Virgil shook his head. "We were just talking to him yesterday, and now..."

"I have to find the person who did this." Mr. Berry mumbled lowly. "I have to make them pay. No one touches my son."

"Did you see the person who did it, Ro?" Virgil asked, grabbing his hands.

"I didn't, I only saw him." Roman shook his head. "It was really bad, Vee. I thought he was already...!" Roman sucked in a breath.

Virgil hugged him again, softly stroking his hair. "I'm so glad you're alright, Ro. And we have to trust that Logan is going to be alright too."

"I was so scared!" Roman whimpered. "I didn't know what to do!"

"You did amazing, Ro." Virgil told him, pulling away and gently placing a hand on Roman's cheek. "And Logan is going to be so thankful when he hears what you did."

"Mr. Berry," A nurse said, walking into the lobby. "Your son has just come out of surgery."


I have yet to write a single mother into this story. Do I have issues? yeah. ❤

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