Ch. 7

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"You had sex with Pryder." Janus told him the next day.

"I'm aware." Roman replied, taking some books out of his locker.

"You've known him for less than a week!" Janus exclaimed. "Don't you think you're rushing into this?"

"Look, I don't know how it happened." Roman sighed, closing his locker. "One second we were talking, and the next..."

"Oh my god." Janus pinched the bridge of his nose. "I thought what you had for him was just an infatuation, didn't realize you were part of his fanclub."

"Why are you so upset anyways?" Roman asked, raising a brow.

"Because I care about you, Ro!" Janus huffed. "I know we haven't known each other that long, but you're already one of my closest friends!"

"There's no need to worry." Roman told him. "I think he actually likes me!"

"Really?" Janus scoffed, crossing his arms. "Ro, you're some random guy he met the other day!"

"You weren't there! You didn't see the way he looked at me." Roman gushed sighing dreamily. "Like I was important to him. Like I was special."

"Yeah? He probably gave all his other partners that look too."

"...what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you shouldn't get your hopes up." Janus grumbled. "I hate to say it, but you're probably just another fling to him."

"Another fling?" Roman asked. "No, I'm--he shared things with me that...that were very personal."

"Like what?" Janus rolled his eyes.

"I don't think he would want me to repeat them." Roman mumbled.

"Or maybe you're just lying to me." Janus frowned. "Maybe he didn't actually tell you anything, and you're trying to fool yourself into thinking you're special."

"What the fuck?" Roman glared at him. "You're calling me a liar?"

"...I am." Janus scowled.

"Why are you being such an asshole about this?" Roman snapped. "Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"I'm not here to lie to your face, Roman." Janus growled.

"I'm not talking about this anymore." Roman scoffed, walking away.


"Kiddo!" Patton chirped, skipping over to Roman. "Remus told me you kissed Virgil yesterday!"

"That's all he told you?" Roman asked.

"Yeah! Was there more?" Patton tilted his head. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Pat, I really appreciate it." Roman smiled.

"It sure is suprising, though!" Patton said. "I didn't think Virgil was the type to kiss someone so quickly!"

"Really?" Roman asked. "I guess he does seem like the type to take it slow..."

Maybe Janus was right?

But then, why did Virgil share those things about his parents?

No, there was no way he only thought of Roman as a fling. Janus had to be wrong.

"Is everything alright, kiddo?" Patton asked, looking concerned.

"Why do you call me kiddo? You're a few months younger than me." Roman chuckled.

"I dunno!" Patton beamed. "Habit, I guess? I have the cutest younger brother, Emile, and I call him kiddo all the time!"

"How old is he?" Roman asked, beginning to walk to class.

"Seven!" Patton chirped, following him.


"Roman," Logan called, approaching him.

Roman sighed, preparing himself for the inevitable barrage of questions he was about to receive.

"Yes, Logan?" He asked, giving him a polite smile.

"Give me your water bottle." He held out his hand. Roman tilted his head, but obeyed Logan's command.

Logan instantly uncapped it, poured the water out into a nearby water fountain, pulled out a container, and began pouring something into Roman's water bottle.

"It's green tea." Logan said, putting the cap back on and handing it to Roman. "It'll help you focus in class, since your mind seems to wander."

"You're...not going to ask about Virgil?" Roman asked.

"No?" Logan scoffed. "I don't care if you had sex with Pryder. It's none of my business."

"...thanks, Lo." Roman smiled.

"It's really nothing." Logan waved him off. "I just didn't want to see your grades suffer."

"Did you make this specifically for me?" Roman asked, looking at his water bottle.

"Of course. You're the only one whose mind seems to wander during class. Which is suprising, considering who Patton is." Logan shrugged.

"Wow, you made this with me in mind?" Roman put a hand to his chest. "I'm touched."

"Don't make it weird." Logan glared at him.

"Oh wow, that's a scary face."



Roman yelped in suprise, dropping his books.

"Oh shit, sorry." Virgil laughed, picking it up. "Didn't realize I was so scary." He smirked, handing the book back to Roman.

"I'm kind of on edge today." Roman chuckled. "Remus told all my friends about us."

"That's good." Virgil grinned, pecking Roman on the lips. "I was hoping for that outcome."

"Is that why you had me wear your clothes?" Roman rose a brow, ignoring his flushed face.

"Hard to say." Virgil shrugged.

Roman lightly shoved him. "You totally did!"

Virgil laughed. "Can you blame me?" He asked, wrapping his arms around Roman's waist. "Look at you, I can't help but show you off."

"Virgil, we're at school." Roman chuckled, lightly trying to push him away.

"Do that again." Virgil said. "Say my name again, with that smile on your face."

"Virgil!" Roman laughed. "Come on, I have to get to class soon."

"Do you wanna go get something to eat after school?" Virgil asked. "Just the two of us."

"What? Like a date?" Roman mumbled.

"Exactly like a date." Virgil smiled.

Roman flushed. "Uh, sure."

"Perfect." Virgil released him. "See ya later, Princey."


This chapter is kind of a filler chapter.

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