Ch. 49

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So Gachitis101 made this MASTERPIECE and it's my new favorite YouTube video so,

Trigger warnings should be pretty obvious if you've read this book.

Also, sorry this is late. I've been ✨lacking motivation✨

This is short because, SUPRISE, this is the last chapter.

It took three days for the police to find Virgil's body. 

Obviously, Roman had never hidden a body before. Apparently, he was pretty mediocre at it. One look at the ground, and the police instantly began digging. Roman wasn't sure why they had waited three days to begin looking for Virgil. Maybe they were hoping he would turn up at his house?

They had put him on probation for a few years. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than the chair.

He wasn't really upset about his sentence. He was more upset about the fact that he won't be able to stay by Remus' side.

Roman's life became monotonous. Get up, eat, sleep, eat again, sleep some more. He didn't really recall how long his sentence was. It didn't matter, he would be leaving eventually.

Roman imagined that Susan was ecstatic. Roman was finally being locked up, like she had wanted. To make things better, Remus was out of her hair too.

Man, what a bitch.


It was five months after his sentence.

Roman had expected it to be like any other day.

That's what he had expected, at least.

"Roman," His father began, smiling.

Roman rose a brow, looking up from the book he was reading.

It promptly fell out of his hands when he saw who was behind his father.

"R-Remus!" Roman exclaimed, rushing over to him.

Remus laughed, holding his arms out for a hug.

"When did you wake up?!" Roman demanded.

"Last week." Remus smiled.

"And you're fine?" Roman asked, looking over his being.

Remus winced, and Roman froze. "Well, not really."

"What do you mean, not really?"

"My eyes, Ro." Remus laughed soberly. "I can't see."

Roman went pale, eyes widening in horror. "What...?"

"The doctor said something about nerves? I don't know." Remus shook his head. "So, uh, yeah. I'm Remus Prince, your legally blind brother."


Remus was blind.

"I...did this." Roman murmured, placing a hand over his mouth.

"No, Roman. No." Remus frowned. "Virgil did this. Speaking of which, I heard you stabbed the fuck out of him! Nice!"

"You're never going to play baseball now." Roman whispered.

"It was more of a hobby, really." Remus shrugged, clearly lying. "I doubt it was going to go anywhere."

Roman looked into Remus' cloudy eyes.

Eyes that were cloudy and had red veins in them.


Red had always been Roman's favorite color.

He wasn't so sure anymore.

"Hey, Ree?"

"What's up?" Remus hummed.

"I take back what I said about green being the worst color."

"This is...a weird time to bring that up." Remus furrowed his brow. "And why? You find a color you hate more?"





I'm kinda upset with how this chapter turned out, but whatever. I don't feel like fixing it.

I hope you enjoyed it! It was REALLY fun to write.

If you have any questions about anything, feel free to leave them here.

If you read The Snake In My Dreams, you know I LOVE talking about the development of my books. So, I'll probably end up talking about it even if no one asks.

I love y'all!

The Author :)

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