Ch. 9

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Roman knew something was wrong the moment he woke up.

He couldn't explain how, but something just felt off. Like the air was thicker, or something.

Roman woke up in a cold sweat. He didn't think he'd had a nightmare, but that would be the only explanation as to why he woke up this way.

He had breakfast with Remus and his father that morning. Based on how quiet Remus was, he felt the same way Roman did.

"Is everything okay?" Their father asked, concerned. "You both look awfully upset."

"Is everything okay with you, dad?" Remus retaliated, looking genuinely dependent on the answer.

Their father blinked, suprised. "I'm fine." He responded slowly. "Why are you asking?"

"Nevermind, it's whatever." Remus shook his head, looking back down at his food.

Their father glanced at Roman for answers, but Roman just avoided eye contact and ate his breakfast.

Their father sighed, looking more uneasy than before.

It was completely silent for the rest of the meal. The twins left the house, with a quiet goodbye to their dad.

When the two of them got into the car, Remus turned to look at him. "Do you know if dad is sick, or something?"

"No..." Roman mumbled, eyes widening. "Why?"

"I just...nevermind. Today just feels weird." Remus shook his head, starting the car.


The halls were silent, which instantly set alarm bells off in Roman's head.

He exchanged a weary look with Remus, before going off to find Patton, Logan, and Janus.

He wasn't sure why everyone had such a grim look on their face. It was beginning to scare him a bit.

They found Patton and Logan in the cafeteria.

"Patton?!" Roman called, rushing over to him.

Patton was sobbing, head buried in his arms. Logan was running a soothing hand on his back, but his expression was completely neutral. Almost hollow.

"What...what happened?" Remus hesitantly asked. "Where's Janus?"

Patton couldn't even form words, so Logan was the one who responded.

"He's dead." He said numbly, not looking up from Patton's crying form.

It didn't fully process at first. It just didn't seem possible. Janus wasn't dead. They had just talked yesterday.

What could have happened since yesterday that would have him end up dead?

The sinking feeling that Roman had felt ever since entering the building, overtook him. It suddenly felt as if a weight was residing in his stomach.

"Wha-What happened to him?" Roman asked quietly.

"His mom found him in his room this morning." Logan told them. "With a bloody razor in his hands."

Roman had to sit down to keep himself from collapsing.

Was this his fault? He shouldn't have put so much pressure on him to get along with Virgil. If he knew it was going to affect him like this, he shouldn't have said something like that.

"Oh my god." Roman whispered, bringing a hand to his mouth.

He looked at Remus, and instantly wished he didn't.

Remus looked absolutely devastated. It wasn't a secret that Remus and Janus had instantly clicked. The two were nearly inseparable.

"No, that's--" Remus laughed to himself in disbelief. "This is a prank, right?"

Roman stood up to comfort Remus, but was instantly shoved away.

"Where is he?!" Remus barked, looking wildly between the three of them.

"Remus..." Roman muttered.

"Shut the fuck up!" Remus growled. "He can't be dead! He was my first real friend!"

"Remus, just calm down." Roman whispered gently.

"I will not calm down until someone tells me where he is!"

"He's dead!" Logan snapped, turning to glare at Remus. Tears threatened to spill over, but Logan was barely holding them back. "I'll say it as many times as you'd like for you to accept it! Janus Orm is gone!"

"I-I--" Remus stammered.

"To choose not to believe it, is to be a fool." Logan hissed. "He. Is. Dead."

"No--That--" Remus fell to his knees. "Oh my god...!"

"When's the funeral?" Roman asked, kneeling down next to Remus.

"In a couple of weeks." Logan responded, eyes returning to their apathetic state.

"Wh-Why would he do this?" Patton asked, speaking up for the first time. "I wish he just talked to me. I could've done something--I could've--"

"It's too late to think like that now." Logan said, standing up. "We have class to go to."

"Logan, it's okay to show that you're hurting." Roman told him gently. "We won't think any less of you for it."

Logan scowled. "I'm not going to sit here crying. I have school to think about. My college credits to think about. I don't have the time to be upset."

"So you're just going to bottle it all up inside?" Roman asked. "You need time to grieve, Lo!"

"You do not get to tell me what I need." Logan hissed, before storming out of the room.

"I hate when he gets like this." Patton muttered, shaking his head.


The amount of comments I make that I take out is insane. 👁👁

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