First Dates and Consequences

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The next morning I woke up at about 8:30.  I wanted to sleep until at least noon but the butterflies in my belly wouldn’t settle.  I threw the covers over my body and made my way to the bathroom for my morning routine.  I turned the shower on extra hot and stepped in.  I stood under the water for what seems like forever, the aches in my body were slowly going away. 

After I finished washing up I found myself standing bare in front of the mirror.  I didn’t want to look at myself like that but I couldn’t look away either.  My bruises were getting better and the cuts on my leg weren’t that red anymore.  I forced myself to look away before the negative thoughts would creep into my head. 

My stomach started making noise just then, providing me with a distraction.  I walked out of my bathroom to look out my window to see if John’s car was in the driveway.  I didn’t see anything and took a breath of relief.  I heard my phone ding signaling that I had a text message. 

Jordan:  Good morning beautiful, can’t wait for our date, thinking about you.

Katie:  Good morning to you too, me neither.


I slap my hands to my forehead. That was such a lame response, what am I thinking? Dang it.  My nerves are already starting to get to me and its not even lunchtime.  I get dressed, throwing on a pair of sweat pants and a t- shirt. 

Speaking of, what am I going to do to pass the time? Its only 9:12.  Maybe I should catch up on my homework.  I pull out my computer and my school bag and sit on my bed.  I had about 5 new emails and 3 assignments to do. 

English was first so I pulled out my notebook for that class and pulled out the direction sheet.  I’m supposed to write a review of the short stories were supposed to be reading.. but uh I haven’t actually read any of them yet.  We’re supposed to read three a week but that’s what clifnotes are for, right?  The reviews for each story only have to be a paragraph so it shouldn’t be too hard.  All in all I took me about two and a half hours to finish all everything and I was starting to get hungry. 

I walk to my door and listen to see if I hear john.  Everything sounds quiet so I open the door and make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.  I look in every cabinet and the fridge but there isn’t any food.  This sucks.  I guess I could maybe go get something, there is a gas station about ten minutes from here.  I run back upstairs to put on some shoes.  I have to be back as fast as I can, I cant take a chance running into John. 

The gas station is in the opposite direction of school and I’m pretty sure I got there in record time.  When I walk through the doors a gust of cool air fans over me.  That felt kinda nice.  Right in front of me was an Icee machine.  My mouth watered a bit, I haven’t had one of those in so long.  I grab the biggest cup they had and fill it to the top with the coke flavor and go to the snack isle.  There’s so much stuff it’s hard to choose but in the end I pick a bag of teriyaki beef jerky and a turkey sandwich from a little deli section.  With all of the suff in my hand I walk to the front counter and wait to check out. 

“Hello, is this all for you?” The lady at the counter asked looking me up and down making me want to shrink into myself.  “I.. uh y-yeah.”  I barely get out.  I hand her the money and take my food and walk out the door. 

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