Chapter 1

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Applying the thick layer of lipstick didn't lighten my mood at all. It helped, being away from that extremely dull guy, but I knew I had to return at some point.

I looked in my purse to see if there was anything else inside I could use to elongate the moment in the bathroom.

The mascara caught my eye and even though I had applied more than enough at home, I decided to add another layer to my eyelashes.

As carefully as possible, I brushed the make up item against my eyelashes, when the bathroom door suddenly opened, causing me to lose control over the brush and ruin my mascara.

"Dear God," I muttered softly and briefly glanced at the brunette that had entered the public bathroom in such a hurry.

She looked at me and quickly bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry. Did I do that?" She gestured at her own eye and I glanced at the mirror in front of me.

My mascara seemed to be everywhere except for where it should be. I shrugged and waved dismissively.

Honestly, I didn't mind having to spend more time in the bathroom to fix my make up. Everything better than going back to my table.

"Can I help?"

The brunette's tone was kind and sincere, but I quickly shook my head.

"No, thank you. I should actually be grateful you barged in like that, because it gave me a reason to stay longer."

"Bad date?"

I sighed exaggerating and rolled my eyes. "You don't want to know."

The woman chuckled and stepped closer to me. She set down her purse and started reapplying her make up as well.

"Well, you're not the only one," she laughed and slowly shook her head. "This guy.. the only reason he probably noticed I'm gone, is because my breasts are attached to my body."

"A starer, huh?" I questioned and wiped the mascara off my eyelid with a cotton pad and a drop of make up remover. "At least your date stares at your breasts. Mine probably won't notice I'm gone, simply because there are plenty of other women walking around in the restaurant."

The other woman couldn't help but chuckle and neither could I. We both laughed at our failed dates and she slowly shook her head.

"My name's Regina," the woman introduced herself and held up her hand for me to shake it.

I gladly did and offered her a sincere smile. "Emma. Emma Swan."

"If you want, Emma, you can give me your number and I can call you with an "emergency". It'll get you away from your date," Regina offered and I eagerly nodded.

The fact that I didn't even have to think about my answer told Regina enough and she laughed softly.

"Here's an idea," I said and wiped away the last of my ruined make up before I made eye contact with the brunette. "I'll go back to my date now, while you stay here. After approximately two minutes, you call me and I hurry outside. When I'm outside, I'll wait a few minutes and call you with a horrible emergency. Then, we'll both get out of our dates," I said and I could see Regina's eyes sparkle with excitement as she nodded.

I gave her my number and zipped my purse closed, before I left the bathroom to go back to my table and this horrible guy named Walsh.

My eyes scanned the restaurant as I walked back, when my eye caught Walsh making out with some girl that I'd never seen before in my life.

I dropped my purse on my chair, drawing his attention to me and the man softly gasped and rubbed his neck.

"Evie, I'm sorry, but I feel like our date isn't working out," the guy confessed softly, his hand still on the strange woman's butt.

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