Chapter 17

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Yoongi's pov.

I threw the lamp near my bed at the wall.

"That fucker!" He was filled with rage and pain. "Leaving me like this! Them just leaving us! After everything! Our promise!"

Jin sat in the chair with Jimin and Taehyung leaning on the wall. The betrayal they felt was real. The boys just left them here. They felt used and discarded.

Jin's eyes looked dead as he stared at the wall where the lamp had landed. The lamp had shattered into many pieces when it hit the wall. He stood up and started picking up the shards.

Jimin tried getting Jin to stop. The shards were slicing open his hands but Jin shoved him back hard. "Stop! Don't touch me!" Jin's voice was shaky as he held the remnants of the vase. His hands covered in cuts and leaking blood all over the floor. 

"Yoongi... let me burn this place to the ground." Jin's request was no surprise. "Please just let me have my way today." The tear slipping down his face was uncommon for the eldest. I would be heartless to say no.

"I'll cover it up. Pack up first." 

Jin shook his head, "I don't want to pack I want to burn everything that was his. I... I want to burn and cleanse everything he touched."

Jin hugged himself as the sobs came out and slowly turn into to laughter, "I'm a fucking fool. To be thrown away by another pretty face. I want to kill him." The weight of Jin's words made My heart strings tightened. 'I want to kill him' those words were dangerous coming out of a mouth from an assassin. 

"Jimin get him cleaned up. 30 minutes until this place is in flames."

"But hyung your injuries." 

"I'm obviously fine especially if he think he can just leave me here." Jimin bit down on his tongue and decided to follow my orders.

Soon they were out and Yoongi threw his lighter into the house. They all stood outside and watched it burn.

"Hyung what do we do now?" I looked down at the pack of cigarettes in my hand and crushed them.

"First let's buy me a new light and cigarettes. Then let's give Got7 a call. And not just Got7, let's do Oneus too. Oh and lovely Monsta X I miss them. We can also call TXT maybe all of NCT."

"Yoongi are you insane? We just got kidnapped by Got 7 and you want to go back to them? And all the NCT units?! You've lost your min," Jin yelled.

"Didn't you say you wanted to kill him right?"

"I want my dad dead. I want Hoseok dead. I want BTS 10 feet underground. Got 7 has in tell. We have the connections. We have more power than any of them can fathom."

"I want to watch BTS burn."

Taehyung shook his head, "Hyung I don't. I don't want them dead."

Yoongi gritted his teeth, "Then stay out of my way."

Jimin pleaded with them, "Hyung you're not thinking right about this. Come on let's go home and think about it with clear minds."

"My mind is clear." The Yoongi's glare was cold as ice. Jimin knew that face. Yoongi was in Tracker mode and until he finished his mission he wouldn't stop.

"I-I don't want them dead either." Jimin held Taehyungs hand  bracing himself for Yoongi to hit him.

"So are you gonna leave us for them?" Jin asked still watching the house burn. Yoongi had turned away. It took all his will power not to cry and cave in to the pain.

"Abandon us then." Yoongi voice was clear but filled with venom.

"Hyungs you are  being so childish right now! How could you make us choose between you guys!"

"How about we do this? Take down BTS to where they have nothing. Take everything away. That means the entire Mafia. But don't kill any of them. You'll make them suffer more that way."

Yoongi shook his head, "You don't get it Tae. We just lost everything. When they left us they cut ties. That means all their promises of giving us a happy life meant shit. Dad is still alive. The debt will rack up again to the point I have to sell my body once more. Fuck I feel so dirty." The Dam in Yoongi started to crack. 

"What if they did it to protect us?!"

"He said he'd give me everything I desired. I asked him to stay. And he still left. It's over now. From day one they were never able to protect us. How do you think leaving will benefit our safety?"

"So are you leaving us?" Jin asked once again.

Taehyung was crying shaking his head. Yoongi knew that they were all in love but that person left them. Didn't matter why. They just left. 

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