|Jackson Jykell x (Vampire!) Reader|Fluff

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This mans! I have fallen for yet again!

I really didn't want to go to class. It's far too bright for any vampire to deal with. I know I should just wear my sun cream but I'm all out. I won't be able to buy any either till Friday. So I just sneak off to the library. Which is where I often went to. I didn't want to go to class.

When I snuck passed all the ghouls and mansters. I went to my normal hang out spot. To my annoyance, somebody was in my spot hiding between some shelves. I huffed "Yo leave this is my spot!" The normy looking guy looked up to me shocked he was found. "S-Sorry!" He shot up letting me get into my spot. I think this guy's name is Jackson..? I'm not too sure. But he is the only non-monster I've seen here. I took out my phone and started playing some games and did homework for class. I looked up after a few hours and saw Jackson.

He didn't even leave. He sits in the middle of the walkway. "Dude what are you doing?" I asked watching him read his book. "Reading? It's peaceful in here so I'm here." I rolled my eyes "Yeah sure what are you actually doing? No one just goes to the library to actually read." Jackson shrugged "I do...It's the actual reason I come here. Or when I'm hiding from other classes." I wasn't sure what else to say or do.

Jackson after our time at the library would come and talk to me. It was fun to have him around since I didn't have many friends. We even started hanging out outside of school.


I hope all you lovelies enjoyed!!

I would have written more but it's midnight and I have school work to finish.

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