(Part Four)

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The two teens walked in silence as (Y/N) thought back to what just transpired. Her thoughts were interrupted by Oikawa chuckling. She looked over, a puzzled look on her face.

"What's so funny?" (Y/N) asked, but Oikawa just shook his head.

"Nothing, just that you got so excited during the match, it was endearing." (Y/N) felt her face get red, but smiled and giggled.

"Yeah, I can get really into some things... but that match was cool! Your service is really strong and precise and when you joined in at the last minute, you shook Karasuno so much. I mean aiming for Tsukishima, the one player with the weakest receives was brilliant!" She smiled up at Oikawa, who had a surprised look on his face.

"How did you figure that out? That the beanpole had weak receives?" Oikawa stopped walking and faced her, a serious look on his face. (Y/N) stopped as well and looked down.

"A friend of mine used to play volleyball, and I would always watch her matches. I've also been told I can read people quite well, so that comes in handy when watching volleyball games." Oikawa nodded and continued to walk, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Silence settled around the two again as they walked to the garden. When they arrived, (Y/N) turned around to see Oikawa looking at her again. She tilted her head, looking confused.

Suddenly he spoke, "What did you think of me when we first met?"

"Finally! You watched one of his matches! Isn't Oikawa-san so cool!?" Mika squealed and took a swig from her water. It was Lunch break the day after (Y/N) saw the practice match between Aoba Johsai and Karasuno, the day she saw Oikawa play for the first time, and when he asked her what she thought of him.

"I guess, his serve was pretty strong, and he was playing smart as well." (Y/N) looked down at the milk carton she bought earlier from a vending machine. Mika looked towards her friend with worried eyes, she put a hand on her shoulder and (Y/N) looked up towards her.

"Is something wrong? Did someone say something to you?! If so I'll go confront them!" Mika stood up and looked around at the other students in the large courtyard. (Y/N) shook her head and giggled a bit at her friend's antics.

"It's nothing like that Mika, just a strange question... that's all" 'And an even stranger answer, why did I say that...?' She thought to herself. The bell rung and both girls waved goodbye and went on to their class.

(Y/N) tuned out the lesson, as it was just review, and thought about what happened yesterday.

"What did you think of me when we first met?" The question rang in her head as she thought. 'What did I think of him...?'

"I thought you were a person wearing a mask. Someone who acts like they have to hide things..." She stopped and thought about what she just said, 'I shouldn't have said that...' Turning back to look at Oikawa she saw him with a neutral face. He looked down and nodded, then turned around and walked back towards the entrance to the school.

(Y/N) stood there, her mind racing, 'Why did I say that? I don't know him that well yet I go and sound like a know-it-all!"

Her train of thought was stopped when the last bell of the day rang, signaling the end of the day. She left her class with a sad look, and a heavy feeling in her heart.

Oikawa was thinking about what the (H/C) haired girl said all day, he just couldn't ignore it. He was so out of it, that even his best friend, Iwazumi, noticed. "Shittykawa, what's up with you today? Something seems to be bothering you, and if you don't stop and focus during practice, I'll hit you up-side the head." Oikawa noded, a blank look on his face. This concerned Iwazumi, as he would usually say something like 'Don't be so mean Iwa-chan!'. "Hey, if something's bothering you, you can always tell me."

Oikawa looked towards Iwazumi, a conflicted look in his eyes then sighed and started to tell what happened between him and (Y/N).

"Well, it sounds like she read you pretty well." Oikawa nodded and looked down.

"But I need to be that confident captain, that cheerful guy so that people can trust me. I don't want them to see the confused and angry me, cause that would just scare her away..." He looked towards Iwazumi, with a pleading look.

"Well, if she can read you so well, try opening up to her. When I would drop off your flowers, she was always cheerful and nice. She seems like a nice girl to get to know."

"But will she like me? Not the flirty, 'Great King' Oikawa. But the real me...?"

(Sorry if this seemed out of left-field. I just wanted to make a little conflict. And this part was kinda short, sorry. Btw I'm thinking of writing a Nishinoya x reader one-shot. Would anyone really read that though?)

(Word Count: 832)

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