(Part Thirteen)

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"Like you and Oikawa-san?~" She teased, making the (H/C-nette) girl shake her head.

"He's just a friend, nothing more." (Y/N) sternly said though Mika didn't back down.

"'Just a friend' my ass! You were totally blushing when he asked for you to cheer for him! And you bought him flowers too!"

"Those were as good luck! And I'll admit he's good looking so what girl wouldn't blush, but I don't like him like that!"

Mika gave in but still smirked, "Right, I'll let you off the hook for now but this isn't over, know that..."

Not awkwardly at all, Mika then grabbed some popcorn and continued to watch the movie.

'I don't know what she means! I don't like the most popular guy in school, and even if I did I doubt he liked me back...' With that thought, (Y/N) slowly but surely tuned out the movie and fell asleep next to her best friend, her (F/C) covers covering her red face.


"Girls! Time to wake up!"




"Hey! You're gonna miss the match if you sleep any longer!" (Y/N) and Mika's eyes shot open as they scrambled to get ready. Mika took the bathroom to get changed while (Y/N) changed in her room. The two girls skipped out on any special makeup and in their rush, they didn't realize what they picked to wear.

"Bye girls! Have fun, though text me when you're on your way back!" Mai chirped as she closed the door to the house, leaving the two girls outside all ready to leave. That was when Mika and (Y/N) actually looked at each other.

"Wait, what are you wearing (Y/N)?" Mika questioned, making the girl looked down at her outfit. A pair of white jeans, an alien sweater that was a bit tight, and a pair of white converse. 'Crap, I forgot I picked this cause it was clean...'

"I, uh... I just kinda grabbed whatever was clean so..."

Mika perked up and then started to rummage through her bag. "I think I have something to finish off your outfit though!" They started to walk while Mika searched, finally finding what she wanted. She took out a small pouch, and she opened it, taking out two different earrings. One was a stud with a small spaceship on it, the other a dangling piece of jewelry with an alien face on it. "Here, to go with your whole 'alien look.'" Mika snickered only to get a tired smile from (Y/N).

"Well you're no better, you picked out a Shiba hoodie to wear. I mean it's cute but it feels like you're missing something." The two girls kept no chatting until they got to the Gymnasium. There was already a crowd outside, filled mainly with girls wanting to the Seijoh team.

At that moment, both girl's stomach grumbled, and they remembered they hadn't eaten. "Hey I think I'm going to find something to eat, you can go on ahead without me..." (Y/N) spoke, Mika nodded and continued on to find them some seats again. (Y/N) walked back outside and rushed around to find someplace where they sold food. She stumbled upon a quaint little convenience store and decided that would be good enough for right then. She strolled into the store and went straight to the sweets aisle, looking for something sweet and breakfast-like for Mika.

'I wonder, would she prefer a donut or a cinnamon roll?' She stood in front of the two options until a familiar voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"(Y/N)-chan!~" (Y/N) looked up and met with hazel orbs, just like yesterday. Oikawa was standing next to her, with a few other volleyball club members behind him getting snacks.

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