(Part Seven)

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(Oikawa's POV)

It was the day after he went to (Y/N)'s house and had dinner, and he was still wondering what she and her mom discussed. He was racking his brain all night and he concluded that one it was obviously about him, and two, her mom might not want (Y/N) hanging around him. He doesn't know why, but Oikawa felt him deflate after thinking about it. 'I don't even know why I like hanging around this girl, she's plain, and the only thing interesting about her is her love of flowers and gardening...'

Oikawa was in the middle of class when the bell rang and snapped him out of his thoughts, his childhood friend Iwazumi was there before he or even his fangirls knew it, and snatched the brunette so they could head off to practice. "What's with you Iwa-chan? You don't typically get me from class..."

A tired sigh escaped from the ace, and he just kept walking as he started to speak. "If I left you there, you would've just kept entertaining your fans, and you'll end up late for practice-" Iwazumi was cut off as a girl strode up to Oikawa, an innocent-looking smile on her face.

"Oikawa-san, I bought you some flowers, I hope you enjoy them. I also wrote my number in there too... Call me~" Her hazel locks flowed down to her back and her lips were glossy from a pink lip-gloss. Iwazumi grumbled and turned away, annoyed that she'd interrupted him.

"Why thank you cutie, I'll take good care of them~" He smiled, and the girl blushed, but then walked off, swaying her hips in an attempt to tempt the brunette. Oikawa just shook his head and faced back to Iwazumi, an apologetic smile on his face.

"You were saying, Iwa-chan?"

"Nothing Shittykawa, let's just get to practice... unless you wanna drop off the flowers? I doubt you'd be any good at taking care of them..."

Oikawa felt his heart skip a small beat, yet he didn't know why. He will admit, it was fun talking to the cute gardening girl, but he didn't know why he felt that way.

"Yeah, I'll catch up to you at practice, Iwa-chan. I'll go drop these off, See ya!" He jogged off, eager to see (Y/N).

(Third Person POV)

(Y/N) was in the garden, as she had to uproot some older flowers that had died out. "Sorry little ones, I should've taken care of you more..." Her soft voice was the only sound in the garden. (Y/N) tends to frequent the garden more than her other members, but they all take good care of it. The withered Carnations were a sad sight to (Y/N), as they were one of her favorites. She quickly uprooted the flower, and placed it inside a small bag, filled with other dead or out of season flowers and plants.

Footsteps echoed in the garden, and (Y/N) looked up to see a mop of messy hazel hair.

"Oikawa-san, what brings you here..?" Her soft voice spoke up, a small smile on her face. Oikawa smiled back and held up the flowers he was just given.

"I've brought some more, I'm sorry if these donations inconvenience you and your club..." The flowers shone a beautiful red in the dimming sunlight, and the soft petals showed they were well taken care of.

"Oh, just some plain red roses... I'm going to assume you know what they mean since it's the most commonly given flower?"

"It means 'I love you' right? It is the flower of love after all..." He trailed off and shifted his gaze to the (H/C) haired girl, as she looked lovingly at the flowers.

"Yep, they might be the flower of love, but they are really overused. Most people buy roses for their crush, but the roses tend to quickly wither without constant care... Poor things..." She takes the roses out of the paper they were held in and gingerly holds them in her hands, minding the thorns.

"Hey, be careful-" Oikawa stopped when (Y/N) frowned and shook her head.

"We can't take these, someone sprayed something on them, and now they can't grow again. I'd say, they only have four days left till they need to be thrown away..." Oikawa nodded and was about to take the flowers back, when (Y/N) shook her head. "I can take care of it, but don't worry, you'll see it again soon!" She smiled and waved to Oikawa. "You have practice, right? You don't want to be late, do you?" He nodded and started to walk back to the gym. On his walk, he kept on wondering what she would do.

'You're an interesting one, (Y/N)-chan...'

(The Next Day- Oikawa POV)

'I wonder if today is the day I'll see what she did with-' His thoughts were cut off as one of the guys from his class came running up to him.

"Oikawa! Someone left roses on your desk!" Oikawa felt his heart skip a beat and he rushed over to his classroom and quickly opened the door.

His desk that was in the front of the room and off to the left, sitting on top, was a small clear vase, with the same roses from the day before. Except for this time, a small little ribbon was tied around them to keep them together. The clear water was at the bottom of the vase and a note sat underneath it.

'I hope you like the vase I picked out, It reminded me of the stars we saw that night. -(Y/I) (Your Initial)' Oikawa smiled and shook his head, he was getting more and more surprises by this girl then he first thought he would.

A moment later, and the girl from yesterday, who gave Oikawa the roses, walked in. She spots the roses in the vase and gives a confused look, then smirks and walks over.

"Oikawa-san~ I hope you like the vase I picked out~" She purred and hugged his arm, Oikawa didn't pay it any mind and smiled at the note. His class, on the other hand, was whispering about the two third-years. Whispers of 'Are they dating?' and 'Oikawa and her are so pretty together'.

Oikawa just smiled it off and moved his arm away from the giggling brunette. "I think you're mistaken, I was given to this by a close friend... those roses you gave me couldn't last long, so my friend gave me this beautiful vase to go with the lovely roses..." His smooth explanation made the brunette hesitate and step back.

"O-oh, sorry my mistake. I swore I gave you a vase similar to that one..." She bowed her head slightly and scurried off.

(After classes, (Y/N)'s POV)

'I hope he liked the vase, getting there before any of his fangirls and sneaking it in was harder than I thought...' (Y/N) thought as she mindlessly watered some plants. The strawberries were growing quite nicely, and the cooking club was bound to come by any day now to pick them. 'Maybe they'll even take some of the cucumbers and mix it with some pineapple to make a really good summer salad... now I'm just hungry again...'

Moving from the fruit bushes, (Y/N) started to water her flowers and stopped at the last bunch of flowers Oikawa brought. They were Stock flowers, also known a Matthiola Incana. Their purple petals shone brightly in the sun and the glistening water droplets added to their beauty. "They stand for affections and lasting beauty... I wonder who gave him these this time..." Her curious words were quiet but a certain brunette heard them, and felt his heartache, yet didn't want to accept why.

-Word Count: 1,285-

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