(Part Nine)

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(I don't know when this will go up, cause I'm starting it before my vacation, but I just wanted to say that I'm writing one-shots now! Just go to my page and look for the book titled 'Haikyuu One-shots!' I have about three up already and three more in the works. I'll probably be writing them while on vacation too, so stay tuned for more Coffee Shop AU and a Harry Potter AU!)

"Oi! Shittykawa! Where the fuck were you yesterday?! You missed practice!" Iwazumi yelled through the halls, startling the brunette in question. Oikawa was calmly walking to class when the Ace suddenly yelled. On instinct, Oikawa covered his head with his hands and turned around, a nervous expression on his face. Iwazumi stomped over there, a glare on his face.

"I-Iwa-chan... I can explain-"

"Shut up, just answer me this, were you with the gardening club girl?" His voice got quieter, but the glare was still present. Oikawa nodded and removed his hands from behind his head, and looked down awkwardly.

"It's at least better than entertaining your fangirls... Next time tell someone, and Coach is mad that you skipped practice also." Oikawa shivered and dreaded the fact that he has to go back again later to talk to his coach. "So, what'd you do? And I swear if you did anything rude or inappropriate, I'll punch you Shittykawa."

Oikawa shook his head, a nervous smile on his face. "I didn't do anything like that! We just talked and I helped her water the garden... It was nice and relaxing..." Oikawa mumbled the last part so only the two third-years could hear. Iwazumi slowly nodded and put down his raised fist.

"She told me about her life in Middle school, and so did I. She told me little things about her life and it was cute..." Oikawa smiled and closed his eyes, remembering the moments he spent with (Y/N). Iwazumi stopped walking and looked at Oikawa with a shocked expression.

"Wait, you actually listened to someone other than yourself? And you even took a liking to someone other than you?" His words came out and seemed to pierce Oikawa's heart. His childhood friend was basically calling his self-absorbed. He's kinda right though...

Oikawa pouted and crossed his arms, "Why not, she's nice, understands the importance of Volleyball to me, and is calming to be around. Not to mention she's really cute too, that's just a bonus!"

"Oikawa..." He turned around and looked at Iwazumi, he never calls him Oikawa, only if he's serious. "You better not be using her, 'cause if you are... I'll make sure you'll regret it." Iwazumi was never one for Oikawa's antics, especially when it included girls. He always tried to get him away from girls, but he typically didn't care for the girls he flirted with.

"Iwa-chan, do you like (Y/N)-chan? You've never acted like this any other time..."

Iwazumi sighed and shook his head, relieving Oikawa a little. "No, I don't like her, at least not romantically. I've met her a few times and even talked, so she seems like a nice girl. And it's because of that, that's why I don't want you to go hurting her. She seems gentle and sincere in what she does, and if you go and mess it up..." He stopped and looked away, a grim expression on his face. "You might just break her..."



"Hm?" (Y/N) turned around and saw Mika sighing. 'Did she just say the word 'sigh' though...?' "Mika? Is something wrong?" Looking towards the (H/C-nette ex. Brunette), Mika shook her head and continued to water the Magnolia buds.

(Y/N), concerned for her friend, took off her gloves, and walked over to Mika, couching down next to her and resting a hand on her shoulder. "Tell me what's wrong Mika, I know something is up..." Her gentle voice had a hint of concern and sternness mixed in but her movements showed care.

"It's just... I don't know who to pick..." Mika groaned in frustration and sat down on the stone walkway, dropping her watering can in the process.

"Pick who for what...?"

"For you! I mean, you've got two amazing guys around you yet you don't pick either!" When the truth came out, (Y/N) felt tired and just sighed in return. "Don't sigh at me! I'm serious! I mean you got the most popular guy in school hanging around you, and then you got a really sweet and nice guy from the cooking club!" She stopped and pointed a finger right at her friend. "Who do you like more?!"

(Y/N) immediately started to blush, 'Who do I like?! I don't even know myself, how would I answer her?!' "I-i don't like either of them, I mean they're good nice and all, I'm just not looking for anyone right now..."

"You're still on that plan for getting good grades then moving away aren't you?!" Mika yelled, standing up and looking sadly towards her best friend. (Y/N) nodded, and looked back down. Mika's face fell, a few tears even escaped from her eyes. "Please... don't. I'll miss you so much bestie..."

"It's for the best. I'll move away after getting a degree and a nice job. I want to help my mom when she's older and can't work anymore. I can only do that if I have a source of income..."

"Then get a job here! I know you're in your third year, and college is important, but so are friends!"

"It's not that simple Mika, there are some things that still hurt me here... and I don't know If I'll be okay in the future to stay here..." Mika quieted down and nodded understanding what she meant. Still. she didn't want her best friend to leave, they had been close ever since their first year! Losing (Y/N) would break Mika's heart.

"but hey, at least if I move somewhere far, you'll have a reason to go out and explore the world right? You always did enjoy traveling..." Mika looked up and met (Y/N) shinning (E/C) eyes. Her eyes had a few tears falling and Mika felt horrible about bringing up the topic.

"Oh my god! I-I'm sorry (Y/N) about bringing this up! I know its a hard topic for you..." Shaking her head, (Y/N) brushed it off and smiled.

"It's alright, I know you'd disagree with me but I want to help my mom when she's older. I have to do this for my family..."


For the next few weeks, Oikawa didn't come to the small Garden, and (Y/N) didn't come around as often. Both teens were focused on their goals and forgot about the other. Though they didn't forget entirely, some nights Oikawa would stay up late practicing and would look to the doors of the gym, wondering if the cute gardening-girl will show up again. When (Y/N) would show up to water the flowers, she'd keep an eye on the entrance to see if Oikawa would stop by. Neither ever did show up.

That was about to change with the upcoming Interhigh Prelims.

-Word Count: 1,187-

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