(Part Five)

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The sun was slowly setting as (Y/N) continued to work on planting some new flowers that were just donated. She looked over to the small group of flowers that Oikawa and Iwazumi have donated as well. Her thoughts drifted while she mindlessly scooped dirt into the holes that she dug. 'Hopefully, I didn't offend him...'

Looking up, she realized that the sun had already set and that she stayed way longer than she needed too. (Y/N) started to clean up all the dirt and put away the gardening tools. She looked up and noticed how the stars shinned against the endless night sky. The occasional glimmer made (Y/N) smile, as she always enjoyed the stars and reading about them. Not noticing that she finished cleaning up, she decided to stay a little longer. (Y/N) sat under a small tree that was surrounded by blue flowers in the garden. It was so serene that she could almost hear every noise in the school. The chatter of students leaving late from clubs, the sound of windows closing, and a ball hitting the ground...?

The sound wasn't something she thought she'd hear so it made her curious. Leaving the calm garden, she followed the noise to the gym. 'Wait it's the same gym that the volleyball club uses...?'

The door was left open to let the cool breeze in, so (Y/N) peeked her head in. In the gym, stood Oikawa, practicing his serve. Over and over, he would hit the ball with similar amounts of force. His exhaustion became clearer to the observer as she watched him go on.

Soon he was breathing heavily, hunched over in the middle of the gym. Volleyballs were scattered around the gym, some even in the second story bleachers. After taking a breather, he continued to serve, this time even harder. Suddenly, he served the ball but it hit another ball, sending it hurtling towards the door (Y/N) was hiding behind. It hit the door with a loud smack, startling the (E/C) eyed girl. Oikawa tiredly looked towards the door and saw (Y/N), he stood up straighter with his eyes wide.

"H-Hello...! Um, I take it you're practicing late..?" Her awkward question made Oikawa chuckle. His breath was ragged but he still laughed. (Y/N) smiled and stepped inside the gym, staying close to the door. "Oikawa-san, you look exhausted-"

"Are you going to tell me to stop practicing...?" His smile faded and was replaced by a blank look. 'He's been told this before...' Her mind told her.

"No, but I am going to tell you to take a break, overworking yourself is not what you to do, right?" She gave him a closed-eyed smile and giggled. He was surprised, any normal person would have told him to stop. But she didn't, she just said to take a break. Oikawa nodded, still breathing heavily. (Y/N) motioned for him to follow her outside. He complied and they walked the short walk to the gardening club. Oikawa didn't complain as the cool breeze felt nice on his heated skin.

She sat down once again under the tree and patted the grass next to her. He hesitated but then sat down as well. "I didn't tell you to stop because I know how much you love your sport, it reminds me a lot of an old friend..." Her statement caused Oikawa to look at her, but she wasn't looking back. Instead, she was looking towards the night sky. "And I'm sorry if what I said last time we talked offended you or anything... that wasn't what I meant."

Oikawa nodded, looking upwards as well. He did always like the stars. The idea of other living beings out there crossed his mind too, at least when he was much younger. The twinkling of the stars eased his mind as he evened out his breathing. "It's alright, you were right in a sense..."

She turned her head to look up at him, the faint light of the streetlights and stars illuminating her face. He looked down and felt his heart skip a beat. 'Now that I look closer, she quite pretty. It was subtle but the way her face turns pink in the cool breeze, her (H/C) that looked soft to the touch, and how her (E/C) reflected the stars in the sky as she gazed upwards.

"What do you mean?"

"I- I do hide most of my interests, hobbies, and thoughts. I always thought that if I shared them, people would dislike me. Sure I enjoy their attention, who wouldn't? But sometimes I push myself so far to live up to their expectation, that I end up hurting myself."

He felt a delicate hand on his shoulder, and his head shot up to look at her. "Like that ankle injury? I overheard your fans talking about when you came in to join the practice match." Her face had a small frown but her eyes were bright and hopeful. "You don't have to push yourself for anyone, if you get seriously hurt trying to prove yourself to someone, then that someone isn't worth it. When someone accepts who you naturally are, then they're worth it." Her hand left his shoulder and moved back to the soft grass. (Y/n) looked back up, a small smile on her face. "At least that's what I've learned."

Both of them sat in a comfortable silence as they stared up at the stars. Both of the teens didn't realize the passage of time until (Y/N)'s phone rung. (Y/N) pick it up and on the other line, Oikawa heard an older woman yelling.

"Where in the world are you (N/N) (Nickname)?! It's 21:00!" Her face turned from a blissful smile to a surprised look. Oikawa chuckled at this getting a playful glare from the shorter girl. "Who was that? I swear I heard a boy!"

"Mom, I'm just watching the stars at school, sorry I kinda lost track of time. I can head home now If you want?" Oikawa deflated a little, he wanted to spend more time with the interesting girl, but if she had to leave, we would understand.

"One, yes, please hurry home. Two, ask if the boy you're with would like some dinner, I might've made extra in case you brought Mika over unexpected again." (Y/N)'s face turned red and she started stuttering. Oikawa just laughed more this time, a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

Turning the phone away from her ear and covering the bottom, (Y/N) looked towards Oikawa. "Mom is asking if you would like some dinner. She made extra in case I brought Mika, but since you're here, I thought I'd ask."

Oikawa smiled and nodded his head, he wasn't going to miss this chance on knowing more about the cute gardening girl. She nodded and moved the phone back, she spoke for a bit to her mother and soon she hung up.

"We should be heading over there now if we don't want cold food. My house isn't far so we should make it in time" Oikawa nodded and they both walked back to the gym to get Oikawa's school bag and head out of the school.

-Word Count: 1,200-

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