(Part Six)

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The walk was silent as Oikawa watched the cheerful girl lead the way. His thoughts were racing, and he couldn't seem to find anything to talk about. The girl's (H/L) (H/C) hair swayed in the light breeze. The stars were still out, and the little light that the moon brought out made her figure seem ethereal. Oikawa was entranced, to put it simply.

Soon both teens arrived at a small but cozy looking house. It had a small garden in the front of the house, behind the fence, and all the flowers were beautiful shades of blue and purple. 'She even has flowers at her house, she must enjoy taking care of them...' That thought crossed his mind while he followed her to the front door.

Suddenly, it swung open to reveal a middle-aged woman, with similar features to (Y/N). She had short (H/C) hair along with the same (E/C) eyes as the girl standing next to him. "Daisy! Welcome home, sweetie!" The nickname confused Oikawa, and (Y/N) noticed.

"A Daisy signifies Gentleness and Innocence... It's a nickname from when I was younger..." (Y/N) laughed seeing the expression from Oikawa, and walked instead. She took off her shoes and motioned for Oikawa to come in.

"Daisy, would you mind checking the miso? You know how bad at following recipes I am..." Her mother asked sweetly, and (Y/N) nodded, walking deeper inside the house. Her mother turns to Oikawa and looks him up and down. "First thing's first, I don't want my Daisy to get hurt, so no funny business, okay? Second, I won't object to you dating my daughter, as long as she's happy." This statement shocked Oikawa. He'd only known (Y/N) for two weeks at the most. He was surprised when his mother had invited him over in the first place, but this takes the cake for shocking him.

"Ma'am, I think you have the wrong idea, I've only known (L/N)-san for a few weeks. I also don't have any intention of dating your daughter..." His words surprised both (Y/N)'s mother and him. A heavy feeling settled in his heart as he put on his award-winning smile. The older woman crossed her arms, a sad look on her face.

"Well, kid, even if you did want to date my daughter, just know those rules. And a fake smile doesn't suit you..." His eyes widened. 'At least I know where she gets her observation skills... It must run in the family.'

Oikawa stepped inside, and a sweet aroma filled his senses. To his right was a vase of dainty white flowers, with the sweet smell supposedly coming from them. The entire entranceway was very green, as plants were everywhere. It didn't feel cramped, as it felt more open than it would be if they were gone. The green was a bright contrast to the plain-looking walls. He took his shoes off and slipped on a pair of visitor slippers.

He followed the older woman into a slightly larger kitchen. (Y/N) had an apron on, and Oikawa could feel his cheeks heat up.

"Mom, you made it correctly, and it tastes fine. Did you go and lie?" She looks accusingly at her mom, who just smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Why would I lie to you, Daisy? I just needed you to check is all." Sighing, (Y/N) put down the tasting spoon, and took off her apron. Oikawa was seated at the already made table when (Y/N) walked over to the fridge and spoke to him.

"What would you like to drink, Oikawa-san? We have water, juice, or a few different sodas as well."

"Just water is fine, thank you (L/N)-san."

The use of her last name instead of her first was unusual for him. He's been calling her (Y/N)-chan for the past few days. 'It's probably because my mom is here...'

(Y/N) took out two glasses and filled each with water. After setting the cups down on the table, she walked over to her mom in the kitchen and helped with bringing food over to the table.

The savory smell made Oikawa remember how hungry he was after his extra practice, and he happily accepted the food and ate hungrily.

"Anyways, I should properly introduce myself. I'm (L/N) Mai, (Y/N)'s mother. I work as a youth dance teacher at the local dance studio." Oikawa nodded and swallowed the food to speak.

"My name is Oikawa Tohru, and I'm the captain of our school's Volleyball team. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss." He smiled, and this time, it wasn't as forced. He felt comfortable, and the air in the house was one of openness and togetherness. This was an amicable and laid back family.

"Oh wow, you're much different than (Y/N)''s other friends? How'd you two meet?" (Y/N) froze, food halfway to her mouth, and staring at Oikawa. Clearing her throat, she spoke before Oikawa could.

"He gets lots of flowers from people, and he can't take care of all of them, so he gives them the Gardening Club..." The explanation was simple but left out the part of those people being crazed fangirls. If her mother knew, she would probably advise (Y/N) to stay away.

"Oh, well, how nice of you." Her curt answer caused an awkward silence to settle between the three. After a minute or two of silent eating, Mai stands up and smiles towards her daughter. "Daisy, can I have a word?" The sweet smile on her face was anything but gentle, too (Y/N). The teen nods and gets up to follow her mother.

Soon enough, the two came back, and (Y/N) showed Oikawa out and wished him a good night. Walking silently to his own house, Oikawa wondered what they spoke about. It was very obviously about him, but what precisely?

(Another Short Chapter, sorry but Classes and Life has been kicking me when I'm already down.But I'm determined to finish this and my other story!)

-Word Count: 971-

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