Freedom on The Horizon

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  Ursa stood there silently. She looked around at the empty shop. Maybe she was right. The royals know how to speak pretty to get themselves out of sticky situations.

  "Well now what..." She sat down on a table again. She heard yelling outside, cheering and laughing. "Maybe I can watch.." She slid off the table and went upstairs. She passed by a mirror and stopped. Looking at her reflection she really did look sloppy...

  "Maybe now is the time to start learning to be comfortable in my own skin. " She let out a slow breath. "Like Gil said. I am me no matter what I look like." She forced a smile and went into her room.

  She changed into a more form fitting outfit. One of Uma's old outfits but still pretty cute. Pleather iridescent  pants that gave off teal and purple colors. Straps going all the way down the legs. Her shirt was a ripped purple tank with black fish net underneath. And last she slipped on some purple chunky platforms. She looked in the mirror again and sighed.

  "Uma looked better in this...." She still wasn't 100% comfortable but she did feel a little more....confident.  She heard the yelling again, slight clangs of metal echoing from the rooftop.
She quickly climbed out the hallway window, climbing her way down the rooftops and to the other side of the docks having a perfect veiw of the boat. She admired her sisters abilty to fight. It was flawless, almost like a dance.

  "Hello, Jay~" Harry's voice came from below the bridge she was on. She looked down below the cracks, grinning. The playfulness that Harry put into his graceful attacks was almost mezmerizing.

  "Come on!" Carlos yelled out. Ursa looked up. She noticed they were slowly making their way back to the big drainage pipe. She looked back at Uma and Mal, spotting a broken wand not to far from their feet. They gave her a fake wand. How ingenious. She looked around and spotted Ben fighting Gil.

  "Oh Gil.." She chuckled to herself. He had such a goofy grin on his face. She watched for a moment before a brilliant idea came to her.If Ben wasn't going to let the Isle kids out, she was.

  She skillfully worked her way through the crowd towards the pipe. She snuck her way into it, looking back once more.

  Everyone was still fighting but the VKs were getting closer to escaping. She took in a deep breath and ran thru the dark tunnel. When she got to the end she spotted an awkwardly covered vehicle.

  "Yes!" She struck the jackpot. They came over with large transportation. She walked around it, lifting the tarps till she saw the trunk. She tried to open it but it was locked.

  Echoing down the tunnel were footsteps. She quickly ducked behind some barrels, peeking thru the gap. Jay and some girl came out first. They started taking the tarps off, Jay opening the trunk and throwing his sword in, along with the girls. They left the trunk to finish removing the camouflage.

  Now was her chance. No one else was back , but they were getting close. She quickly snuck to the trunk and dove in, rolling as far back as possible so no one could see her in the dark.

  Not to long after more swords went flying into the trunk and it was closed. She heard muffle talking coming from the inside of the limo. The vehicle started up and moved on, passing thru the gate.

  After a bit of driving they finally stop. Everyone exited the vehicle, celebrating  their victory.

  "I'll bring the swords back to the gym!" Carlos offered. Everyone thanked him and dispersed, heading back to get their much needed rest.

  When Carlos opened the trunk he was met with a sword pointed at him. Immediately he threw his hands up, shocked to see Ursa crawling out.

  "Ursa, what are you doing?" He looked betrayed.

  "I have to do this, Carlos. " She looked even more guilty. Slowly she backed up to the front of the vehicle, sword still pointed at Carlos.

  "Please don't fight me..." She begged.

  "...." He remained still. She opened the front door and grabbed the remote that opened the gate, shoving it in her hip pouch.

  "Ursa.." Carlos sighed. "I never thought you would do this."

  "I never thought I would either...." She gripped the sword tight. "And I never thought it would be against you...."

  "Then give me the sword... leave the-"

  "No!" She snapped. "This has to be done! No on else will. " She waited, lowering the sword. "I promise, this isnt as bad as it seems. Just...let me walk away and don't tell anyone...."

  "You know I can't do that." Carlos lowered his hands, taking a step towards her. "This isnt our decision to make. "

  "No??" Ursa brought the sword up again. "Who's is it?? The people who locked up our parents and condemed us for their choices? Punishing us even tho we did nothing but be born?!"

  Carlos stopped, listening to her. He knew how she felt. He understood and thats why it was so hard to put his whole heart into stopping her.
"Ben is different."

  "If he was different, he would have begged you guys to take me with.."


  "He asked me to come back to Aurodan with him..While he was Uma's prisoner. " She lowered the sword again, this time letting it fall to the ground. "I promise nothing bad will happen, Carlos. I just want to free the children of the Isle."

  Carlos remained silent for a bit, watching her expressions. She was sincere. There was no question there.

  "I...I can't. Not when I can stop you."
She looked down, fists clenching.

  "Then you leave me no choice. I'll just have to make sure you can't stop me."

  She took large strides towards Carlos, who tried to quickly back up but wasn't fast enough. Ursa reared her fist back and punched him in the gut.

  "Gggkugh" He grunted and toppled over, trying to catch his breath.

  Tears fell from her face as she looked down at his crumbled body. He was winded, she put too much strenght into that punch. None of this made her feel good, he didn't deserve it...

  She took in a shaky breath and ran back to the bridge.

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