Double Sided Mutiny Pt.1

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Ursa clicked the button and ran down the bridge. Half way down she had to stop and take a breath.

"Such.. a long...bridge..." She panted. She looked up and saw 3 figures at the other end behind the barrier but she couldn't tell who they were. She took in a deep breath and jogged the rest of the way.

"Ursa!?" Uma's jaw almost dropped off her face.

"how did you?" Harry started, equally suprised. Gils smile grew and he waved excitedly at her.

"While you guys were fighting, I snuck into their car. Now we can be free!" She showed them the remote. Uma stared at it.

"I have a better idea." She started. Ursa hit the button and Uma walked thru. Harry and Gil remained on the other side.

"What better than keeping it open and letting everyone out?"

"Your thinking to narrow. " Uma grinned, tapping Ursa's forhead. "If we let them out, they can get caught and sent back here. If we make Ben order the fairy godmother to remove the barrior..."

"Then they can't force the kids to return!" Ursa smiled wide.

"Exactly!" Uma laughed.

"How do you plan to get the King to agree?"

Umas grin turned sinister and she lifted their mother's necklace from her chest. Ursa stared at it as it began to glow. Uma then turned to her first mate and Gil with a wave.

"See you guys on the other side!"

The gate closed and the sisters walked down the bridge, discussing their new lives and plans.

The cotillion came. Everyone was filling up the boat and Ben was in his dressing room on the lower deck. He stood infront of a mirror, adjusting his jacket when he saw Uma and Ursa behind him, walking out of the shadows.

"Uma! Ursa!" He turned a big smile on his face. "How did you guys make it? I mean , don't get me wrong, I'm glad you came but-"

Uma brought her finger up to his lips to shush him.

"You look great, Uma." He look at her outfit. Uma smiled and nodded to Ursa for her to leave.

"Go back to our room. I'll let you know when its time to come up."

"o...kay." Ursa gave an uncomfortable smile as she left. She shut the door, looking both ways down the hall. She quickly rushed back to the room they hid in and waited, in the dark, silently. It felt like hours as she waited. She heard music start..Then yelling. Uma's booming laugh echoed through the side of the boat. Ursa quickly got up and peeked out a window.

"woah..." She gaped at her sister. She looked just like their mother. ...Only more gorgeous. Uma attacked the boat, sending Ursa back over a chair and into a wall.

"Check every room!" a mans voice yelled from the hallway. Ursa paniced, tryng to stand up straight. She figured they thought Uma had more of her crew on board. The guards yells were getting closer. She scrambled to grab Mal's book before she hid when the door swung open, light filling the room.

"Grab her!" the head guard ordered, picking up the book after she was out of the way. "Thought you could take over the kingdom?" He sneered at her, motioning for them to follow him back on deck.

Things had calmed down. The boat remained still. Cheering continued to get louder as they walked up the stairs. Ursa came into veiw of the crowd. They pulled her down and over to Mal and the gang.

"Lady Mal!" The guard spoke, "We found your book below deck. Uma had it..and.." They looked at Ursa. When the VK's and Ben looked at her, she stiffened.

Carlos had already known that she betrayed them but that didn't stop him from feeling the hurt. Evie looked even more hurt, betrayed. Jay was glaring at her, his rage radiating towards her. Ursa lowered her head, avoiding everyones gaze.

"I guess we shouldn't be suprised." Mal spoke up. "She is after all, Uma's sister."

"Sire, what would you like us to do with her?"

Ben looked at the VK's then back at Ursa. He could see she regretted her decision...

"Send her back to the Isle..." He answered, no anger or malice in his voice. Just...sadness. The guards nodded and pulled her away, heading back to land.

On the drive over, Ursa kept her eyes on the sea. Uma was out there...roaming and free. Both of their plans had failed and they may have sent them back a few years after this incident. The Isle may never see freedom....

They arrive at the gate and pushed her thru.

"Nice try, sea witch." The guard barked. He got back in the car and it drove off. She stood there, looking thru the barrier as the bridge dispersed. She felt lost, guilty, angry....sad.

Time passed and Ursa had taken on Uma's responsibilities at the Chip shop.

"Haven't seen Uma in a while.." One guy chuckled to another. "Think she ran away cause Mal beat her up?"

"Definitely. We all learned that she was a weak captain that day."

Ursa dropped their food in front of them, glaring. "Eat up." She sneered and walked away.

"Who's the new captain now?"

"Hello, mateys." Harry sang as he walked into the shop, depositing his sword into the sword check. "Ursa!" He walked over to her, "Ya little Runt. " He chuckled, wrapping an arm lazily around her shoulders.

"Harrys acting captain." the man whispered. "He wont last long without Uma."

"I think I know the perfect person to be the new captain.." The other man grinned. "Gather everyone up and meet at the fishery."

"What do you want?" Ursa rolled her eyes, shrugging Harrys arm off.

"I've been meaning to tell ya. You look more like a witch now that your no longer dressed like a hobo.

"Was that a compliment?" She dropped another try of food at a table.

"Aye..." He looked her up and down. "Suits you. Really brings out the Uma vibes."

Ursa ignored him, cleaning up a table. All day the pirates in the shop had been giving off this weird aura. Whispers from each and everyone of them, dangerous looks glanced her way.

"Harry, how come you never became captain?"

He looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"You're completely capable of running your own ship, you strike fear into anyone that is near you."

"Do I strike fear into you?" He grinned, suddenly right up in Ursa's personal space. Their bodies swapping heat. Her face flushed as her eyes followed his chest up to his eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes.

"I wouldn't say fear." She half whispered. He grinned.

"Uma won't be happy when she finds out your cheating on her with her sister!" a random pirate yelled at them.

"yeah! Get a room!" Another chimed in.

  "Shut your traps and eat your food!" Ursa snapped at them, moving away from Harry flustered. He grinned as he watched her work.

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