Double Sided Mutiny Pt.2

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   The next morning Ursa was sitting on the railing of the ship, staring out at the sea towards Aurodan.

  "They say a watched pot never boils.." Harry walked up beside her, also looking out at sea.

  "Not a tentacle in sight.." She sighed. "I can't blame her tho. The taste of freedom.. It was short but delicious."

  "Trust the captain." Harry turned away from the sea, leaning against the railing with his elbows. "She knows what she's doing. She'll come back for us."

  Ursa let out a light laugh.

  "So we've decided!" Pirates started coming up the ramp onto deck. Harry stood up straight, watching them. Ursa spinning and setting foot onto the deck.

  "With Uma gone, we need a new captain!" the pirate continued.

  "Harry is acting captain until Uma is back." Ursa stood up, her voice firm.

"Yeah, see thats not going to work. We don't really think Harry can do it. "

"We don't really like harry.." another chimed in. Pirates started swiinging onto the ship to surround the two.

  "I don't think you have a choice." Harry grinned. He was getting excited.

  "Are you implying a mutiny?" Ursa eyed the pirates as they made their way closer to the two.

  "Yeah, consider this a fair warning before we throw you two over board." the pirates all drew their swords, Harry doing the same. Ursa sighed irritated. Swords...

  "Lets see....15 of you and 2 of us." Ursa turned to the closest pirate.

  "I think we have them outnumbered." Harry laughed. The first pirate lunged at Harry, both exchanging blows. Two more rushed to attack him at the same time but Ursa took them out with a few jabs.

  One by one the pirates fell, either off the boat or unconscious. Harry and Ursa stood their ground, pushing the pirates back onto the ramp.

  "Ursa!" Harry threw her an extra sword, spinning behind her as a pirate ran up for a sneak attack. "Can you fight with a sword now?" Three more ran at him as Ursa kept pushing the pirates back.

  "I've been practicing!" She grinned.

  The lead pirate took his position at the tip of the ramp. He lunged at her, using all his strength to take her down. Their swords clashing until Ursa was able to push him back and run him thru, kicking his body off the bridge. She points the sword at the rest of the stunned pirates.

  "WHO ELSE?" She threatens. The rest hesitate, looking at each other before running away from the docks. She laughs sadistically, sounding exactly like Uma as she walks backwards back onto the boat.

  Harry glanced at the blood on her sword then back up to her. He walked to her, dropping his sword.

  "See? " Ursa grinned, looking at Harry. Before she could continue talking he grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her into a deep intense kiss.

  Her sword dropped, surprised,  her eyes wide and staring at him. He pulled away slowly, his ice blue eyes locking with her sea green pearls . She lifted her hands up and pulled his lips back down to hers, her hands pushing his pirate hat off and gripping his hair. He wrapped his left arm around her waist, careful to not pierce her with his hook, pulling her up against him.

  The kiss was passionate, heated, intense and rough.

  "....rry...." a faint voice yelled in the distance. "HARRY! Ursa???" Gils voice came in clear and the two swiftly separated. Their eyes were still locked but they stood a few feet apart.

  "There you guys are!! There's going to be a mutiny!" Gil raced up the bridge to them.

  "We know, Gil." Harry looked at him. Irritation coated his voice. "We just took care of those rats."

  "There were alot of them. " Ursa said, still trying to catch her breath. She looked over at Gil and smiled. "But we won. "

  Gil looked befuddled till he noticed all the unconcious pirates that littered the deck. Then the blood on her sword.

  "Well, as acting captain." Harry grinned. "I say we roll these bodies overboard and find a new crew!"

  "Aye aye acting captain!" Gil saluted Harry and went to rolling the bodies k
Off the boats. Ursa laughed, plunging her sword into the mast. Before she could help Gil, Harry pulled her out of view.

  "That was some mighty fine fight'n" he hummed, "I'll be sure to put a good word in with the captain."
"No need, I know her personally. " Ursa grinned, winking. The two shared a laugh and helped Gil with the bodies.

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