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「Hiss……」一 A split-second spiritual link. 

“Fuck! Are these Zergs all on drugs, ah?! Reporting to the Commander, the right flank is about to be breached!” The front line scout urgently reported the changes to the battle’s situation.

Clearly, they had just forced the Zergs to take a step back and it was only a matter of time before they saw victory. But just now, this group of low-leveled, Delta rank Zergs suddenly displayed a dramatic surge in combat power. As if something had enraged them to the extreme, the group frantically rushed back and immediately tore their right flank’s defence apart.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

What type of enemy was the most fearsome on the battlefield? Undeniably, it was the one that wasn’t afraid of death.

Each and every Zerg was a natural born soldier. They disregarded pain, didn’t fear death, and showed no mercy to the enemy. 

What was even more troubling was that the Zerg forces were far more powerful than the other races. They obeyed their superiors’ commands unconditionally, and never asked questions.

“What’s going on? Wasn’t it confirmed that the lesser Zergs on this planet have no commander?” The high-ranking human officer dressed in military uniform furrowed his eyebrows and pounded heavily on the strategy room’s table with his right first. The loss of the ground troops had far exceeded their initial estimation. Even if you switched to any other commander, right now the mood was unlikely to be very good.

The chiefs of staff didn’t dared to answer. Looking at the intelligence they had obtained at the start of the war, these lesser Zergs truly didn’t have a commander. Their formation was so fragmented that they couldn’t even be called a squadron. As a result, in the beginning, they’d been able to effortlessly break through the regions one by one.

But now this group of scattered Zergs had suddenly united without any explanation. It was as if each and every one of the Zergs had suffered some kind of major stimulus, resulting in them collectively going berserk.

“Retreat first.” After persisting for a while, the rather young general finally issued this command.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Once the command to retreat was issued, the ground troops that had landed on the planet would no longer take the initiative to confront the currently berserk Zergs and would instead seek an opportunity to evacuate.

To their surprise, the lesser Zergs didn’t pursue them. Instead, they spread out in all directions as if……

It was as if they were looking for something. 

This situation wasn’t normal, but the human general who gave the command to evacuate didn’t pay much attention to this anomaly. His thoughts were focused on how he was going to capture this resource-rich planet.

In fact, the Zergs’ abnormal display wasn’t confined to this planet. At this moment, in every corner of the dark and vast interstellar, all the races fighting the Zergs were having the same experience.

But whether it was humanity or another one of the boundless interstellar’s races, not a single one attached any importance to this abnormal phenomenon.

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