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Gu Huai felt that his left cheek had been completely ruined. However, the child still stared at him with round black eyes, and his mouth made a little whine and chirp from time to time.

Although childhood was the most ignorant period, it was also the most instinctive period. 

What he liked or disliked would be displayed directly through his behavior, and the innate intuition would make the child instinctively approach.

He couldn’t wipe it. His left cheek was wet. He could see that there was a chance that the child next to him would rub against him again and nibble at him. Gu Huai basically gave up struggling.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

This experience was actually quite novel. Knowing that the child next to him was now like a piece of white paper, Gu Huai looked at him.

In the first two worlds, although the other also had a cub form, the mind under the cub’s body was mature. Now it was not the same. He was not only a child in appearance, but also in mind. 

It was quite lovely to see this kind of ignorant appearance.

“Whoop…” He couldn’t speak. The baby that had half turned over could only make such a sound. After Gu Huai pecked him back leaving saliva on his cheek, the baby even stopped with satisfaction and half turned over to snuggle up with him.

The guardrail of the cot was not low. The two old people sitting down couldn’t see what was going on in the cot, but they could hear all kinds of tender and soft sounds coming from it. They were talking with each other as soon as possible. At this time, the two old people’s eyebrows and eyes were very soft.

After a while, Gu Xicheng refilled the cup with Fen tea, sipped it and said, “when do you plan to leave?”

Of course, it was not about leaving the villa, but about leaving Yujing. Mr. Shen had mentioned this to his old friend before, so the other asked him now.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I hadn’t determined the time before, so he didn’t say the specific time. Now it was almost certain. Mr. Shen would respond as it was. He came here today to visit his family and wanted to talk about it. “Next year, there’s something to be done here in Yujing.”

“There is only one province between Fujing and Yujing. It’s not as easy as it is now, but it’s not that hard.” Even before he moved in, Mr. Shen had already thought about the future of going on a business venture with the Gu family.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In fact, he hadn’t been in Yujing for decades. 

Lf tjv yffc lc ibnf klat atlr qijmf obg j ibcu alwf. Zg. Vtfc vlvc’a kjca ab wbnf tlr afgglabgs fjrlis, yea tf ralii kjcafv ab wbnf ab Meplcu mbcrlvfglcu tlr rbc. Llr rbc kjr ublcu ab yf agjcrofggfv ab Meplcu, jcv la rffwfv atja tlr oeaegf kbgx kjr ublcu ab ajxf gbba atfgf. Zg. Vtfc atbeuta jybea la jujlc jcv jujlc, jcv olcjiis wjvf atf vfmlrlbc.

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