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Tiger father and dog son, all the guests who heard Wei Xing’s words couldn’t help but lament for the Wei clan. They had heard that the son of Wei family was a dandy, but they didn’t expect that the other was spoiled to this extent.

The Xiuzhen aristocratic clans in the fairyland all wanted face. Even if the strength of the opposite side was not better than their own, the Wei clan couldn’t make an arranged marriage to the young lady in front of them without a word from Wei Xing and the Wei clan knew that Miss Xu didn’t want to get married, but the Head of the Xu clan agreed, the two were totally different in nature. 

“Shut up.” Even though he spoiled his son, the head of the Wei clan’s face was ugly at this time, and his voice was stern.

But in fact, even if the head of the Wei family didn’t open his mouth to reprimand him, Wei Xing didn’t dare to speak any more now, because after speaking, he suddenly felt like he fell into an ice cave, locked in by some kind of terrible force and unable to move.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Marry? There was no expression on the faces of all the spirits present. They showed their most serious attitude and did not hide their hostility.

Could he afford it. It was not a question. The spirit clan didn’t consider this possibility at all from the beginning. 

Xie Yan’s sword movement could be said to be quite slow. If it was a person who had fought with him, they would get the same feeling. There was no sense of aggressiveness in the sword move made by the other, it seemed like he just flicked the long sword lightly, but when they faced it, they would find that they had no way to avoid it.

Wei Xing was feeling this way now.

There was no chance for anyone to react.

Xie Yan’s body didn’t move from his spot, and he sent out his sword Qi to the youth of the Wei clan who just made the false remark.

If it didn’t stop, he would die. The cultivators who saw this sword qi understood this fact at the first time and would die if they blocked it. No one in the Wei family except the head of the Wei clan had the idea of ​​blocking this move for Wei Xing at this time. And the head of the Wei clan, even if he had the heart to protect his son, found that he was helpless.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This sword Qi came so fast that it hit without anyone noticing.

In the face of the sword Qi, Wei Xing was so stiff that he could not even tremble. His eyes widened until the sword Qi passed his neck and cut off a bunch of his hair. It took a few seconds for him to react. He shuddered and retreated several steps. He could not make a sound when he opened his mouth.

His body was on the verge of collapse due to extreme fear. 

Xie Yan didn’t say a word, but even so, no one dared to question or dissatisfy him now.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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