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The huge Yula warship landed in the private territory of the planet, and the hatch opened. The first to emerge from the warship was the silver-haired Zerg as the head of the army.

“Lord Alves.” Using honorifics, the seven high-level Zergs waiting on the route lowered their heads at the same time. 

If the fact that each of them were stiff was neglected, the movement could be described as natural and smooth.

Knowing that the young zerg held in his arms was asleep, they instinctively lowered their voice.

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But even so, Gu Huai, who was in a sleepy state, struggled to open his eyes after hearing the voices, knowing that the warship had landed, he wanted to open his eyes and see what Tuther looked like.

This action made the Zergs around think that the young zerg was awakened by them, and all of a sudden their faces became blank. For a minute, they did not know what to do. 

Experienced in this situation,Alvis kept a cold face and released his tail from the waist of the young zerg, then moved up where the young zerg could reach for his hands.

Originally, it was very difficult to open his eyes, Gu Huai grasped the zerg’s hand subconsciously, and soon fell asleep.

Their leader coaxed the pup better than they coaxed theirs, this was a heavy blow, the high-level Zergs did not speak for a long time.

“Muka, put the other legions in order and send them to me,” Alves gave his Chief of Staff a command.

The Chief of Staff nodded and pushed his glasses up. ” The pubarno sap is ready, the recipes needs some time and will be finished as soon as possible.”

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“King…” The Zergs couldn’t hear what their leader and chief of staff were discussing. After formalizing the reception, the other high-ranking Zergs present were so eager to see the black-haired youth, they didn’t even dare to blink.

According to the information they had learned, the black-haired young zerg in front of them had just broken from his shell a few days ago. The situation was very special, it seemed that he had an adult appearance at birth…

The contours of his faces looked very soft, and now he was sleeping quietly, much softer than normal Zerg cubs. 

He was still very weak. The energy fluctuation that came from the young zerg was much lower than that of ordinary Zerg pups, and this discovery made the protective instincts of the Zergs increase.

“What are these Tak Zergs going to do?”

Watching the low-class Zergs coming out of the warship one after another without human-like forms, the Chief of Staff opened his mouth to inquire about the intention of the silver-haired zerg, he didn’t know why his leader brought back so many Tak Zergs, he just had to accept the decision of his superior.

“Let them live here.” Having thought about this early on, Alves responded quickly, “Ah Huai likes them”. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

THE KING'S GAME ([BL])Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang