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A baby’s life was difficult, it was really a lot of trouble. When a baby had a grownup consciousness, Gu Huai, who was experiencing this situation, decided it was really not easy.

Gu family was a large family. Although the ‘black suits’ that were active in the villa had no blood relationship with Gu family, each of them were considered close subordinates of the Gu family. Now there were several particularly fierce looking black suits standing near the crib, and one of them was holding a gadget. “Horse face, how can I hang this thing?” 

Being watched by the baby on the crib with round eyes, Liu Cheng pushed his brother beside him, a man with a long face.

“Are you asking me…” Never had a child, let alone had such a close contact with a baby just born for a short time. The black suit who was called a horse face turned over the simple instructions attached to the things he bought and looked at them. Then he said: “Just screw it off, clip it on the guardrail, and screw it back and fix it.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Won’t it fall down?” A black suit with scars on the back of his hand asked.

“The instructions are written firmly and reliably.” Ma Mian used this sentence to block his companion’s complaints.More than three months after birth, Gu Huai’s vision was not fully developed. 

He couldn’t see things far away now, but he could see the three people right beside his bed.

The person who was currently responsible for taking care of him had changed his diaper, Gu Huai had basically accepted this setting since the beginning.

Hearing that several people around his bed were seriously discussing how to hang the baby bed pendant, Gu Huai couldn’t help making a sound.

“eeehh… ”

*This kind of babbling voice was not loud, but the three black suits that heard the soft sound paused. Although the ferocious expression on their faces had not changed, the eyes looking at the baby on the Crib had changed.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was little different from the wrinkled appearance when he was just born. After more than three months of growing, the baby on the crib had become white and tender, with baby fat on his face and round and bright black eyes.

There was no doubt that the family’s genes were very good, which could be seen from the old boss.

Liu Cheng finally fixed the hanging parts of the crib. When he’s finished, he put his hands on the guardrail of the crib and bent down to look at the round eyes on the crib, who looked very quiet . 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pc atf olgra tjio bo tlr ilof, tf erfv ab obiibk atf ybrr klat j wjmtfaf. Pc atf rfmbcv tjio bo tlr ilof, alwfr tjv mtjcufv. Pc atf mlnlilhfv juf, atfs mbeiv cb ibcufg vb atlcur ilxf yfobgf klat j wjmtfaf bg j uec lc tjcv.

Ktf yijmx relar jgbecv atf mgly ibbxfv ja atf yjys bc atf yfv abufatfg. Ktf wbbv kjr jmaejiis j ilaaif reyaif. Ktfs tjvc’a rffc ktja batfg yjylfr ibbxfv ilxf. Vb mibrf mbcajma klat j yjys ktb kbeiv bqfc tlr gbecv fsfr jcv yjyyif ab atfw, atflg tfjgar jcv fzqgfrrlbcr kfgf ecvbeyafvis j ilaaif rboa ecvfg atf ujhf bo atfrf yijmx fsfr. Pa kjr rb rwjii.

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