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All the Zergs on Tuther were very enthusiastic about the project and they were all active.

Their king liked flowers. As the only capital star of the Zergs, Tuther must have flowers all over the planet. 

Under the guidance of this idea, the Zergs traded with some newly established races and bought all kinds of flowers from these races.

In a short time, the various impression of the Zergs from other races had developed in the direction of ‘flower loving race’, which was very different from the image of cruelty that they had once imagined.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Zergs must have had a soft heart to love something that was purely ornamental, although the various ethnic groups were little frightened by this though, but they finally reluctantly calmed down and accept the fact.

They had to plan the planting area. What kind of flowers would be better to plant here in Royal City? Tuther’s senior officials hadn’t yet discussed the result at the meeting. 

With the learning ability of the Zergs, it didn’t take time to organize a research team of its own. Now, with the help of soil experts recruited from various ethnic groups, the scale of this research team was more than enough.

“The system is ready. When the clearance is full, I’ll wait until the time limit is up.” It had been some time since they returned to Tuther. Looking down from the high rise of the Military Department Building, he could see a new research laboratory near the building. Gu Huai poked his system in his mind.

Receiving the call, the system responded quickly, but this time its question for youth was not a simple one, but a quiet voice asked, “Do you like the world so much?”

But it did not wait for the youth to answer this question, the system continued, “as you like.”

“Yes.” Although the system did not require his answer, Gu Huai responded positively to the question, “I like it very much.”

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden.com

Recently, the Zergs on Tuther were busy with the topic of improving the planet’s soil. They had normal feelings when they looked at their efforts. Gu Huai would certainly be moved by this.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was very difficult to improve Tuther’s soil environment. After all, only the stubborn Tamu trees could survive here.

Ktf lcragemalbcr kfgf gfmflnfv ogbw atf Vlinfg tjlgfv Ifgu, yea atf Ifgur bc Keatfg kfgf cba fcaterljralm jybea atf qijc pera yfmjerf atflg reqfglbg bgvfgfv la. Ktf lcragemalbcr mjwf, jcv ibbxlcu ja atf qijc, atf Ifgur bc atf qijcfa gfwfwyfgfv atja atfs ralii bkfv atflg xlcu j uloa. 

C yfijafv uloa bo ylgat.

The Zerg’s origin planet was a cold and dark place, which had nothing to do with beauty. It was much more barren than the so called abandoned planets. The inheritance of this cold and dark knowledge in every Zerg’s instinct consciousness was related to the relative lack of emotions of the Zergs.

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