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Not only was it unusual that the imperial spirits worshiped by the Xiuzhen clans had left home, but all the clans in the world had recently felt an obvious mistake.

The spiritual clans were too lazy to die, they received various kinds of sacrifices from high-level officials and often slept for hundreds of years, but they had been very active recently. 

Originally, the spiritual world did not have much communication with other circles except for the mutually beneficial exchanges with the people. However, in recent years, all circles had been visited by the spirits. People from all circles could be said to be quite ignorant.

The spirits consciously entered their territory, strolled around as calmly as they did in their own backyard, and then simply left. It was true that nothing had been done.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

People from all circles who were wary of the Spirit races’ sudden visits had not been on guard at all for long, and they looked blankly as the Spirits suddenly appeared and disappeared in their own territory.

Couldn’t find it. 

Almost all the world had been turned upside down, but they had never found their own little master. The spirits who returned to the spiritual world were now very anxious.

Within the spiritual realm, flowers and trees were scattered everywhere visible from the horizon, and floating islands were suspended in the air, with connecting passages between them. Although for the competent people in the world, such access was not a necessity at all.

Hanging above the clouds, the green and flowery spiritual realm was more immortal than any other realm. Outsiders who entered the spiritual realm for a certain purpose would follow a rule very carefully and never disturb the flowers and trees growing around them, even if they were just common species that could be seen everywhere in the outside world.

Especially in the realm of the spirits, if they intentionally destroyed flowers and plants, the consequences were very serious. Even monks who had become immortals would not be better off. Their legs would be broken and they would be put into the luxury package of the entire spirit clan’s permanent blacklist.

The center’s floating island was home to an ancient, grand array of palaces, one of which could bring together the rest of the five remaining spiritual figures.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden.com

All things were spiritual. There were many things in the world that bred pure spirits, such as ancient trees that grew for thousands of years, weapons and so on. These pure spirits were part of the spiritual clan and the moment when their spiritual body was formed was called birth.

On the point of spiritual purity, there were distinct differences between the spiritual and ghost races, so they were two distinct existences.

At this time, there were different forms of spiritual worshippers gathered in the palace, some maintained their human form, some simply used their own form, quietly waiting next to the seat of the huge tree man. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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