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When he first gave the peach blossom branch to the young man, Xie Yan didn’t know that giving peach blossoms meant expressing his yearning, but now he knew.

After listening to the short sentences Xie Yan just said, although Gu Huai was a little caught off guard, he did not cover up with a low cough this time, but raised his head to look back at the other seriously. 

Gu Huai found that in front of him, whether in the last world or this world, the other was not good at expressing himself, but he liked him every time.

Now that he lost his memories, Gu Huai actually thought that Xie Yan might not like him in this world, it was very difficult to be recognized with a new appearance, but now the idea seemed dead.

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“If i’m not good looking, would you like me?” Gu Huai approached the ancient spirit in front of him, and asked him deliberately in a light voice.

He didn’t notice that the young man who was shorter than him had looked down when he asked this question. Hearing this question, Xie Yan can’t help but enlarge his pupils for a moment. 

“I like Ah Huai even if you’re not good looking.” The words clearly answered the youth’s questions from the front, and Xie Yan’s eyes showed extreme seriousness.

In fact, Xie Yan thought there was a mistake in this sentence, because in his eyes, no matter what the appearance of the youth was, he would be good looking. He was the most precious and beautiful treasure he had ever seen.

Finish saying this sentence, Xie Yan gently kissed the youth’s lip corner, “chirp”.

Xie Yan continued to watch the youth, especially as his eyes fell on the youth who had not changed the bride’s clothes.

There was no such thing as worship and marriage in the spiritual world. It was true, not only the spiritual world, but also all other races except the human race had no such custom. They were directly witnessed by the Heavenly Lord to form a Taoist couple with the person who had their heart. But now Xie Yan thought that this custom may also be a good thing, not just redundant and useless.

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After thinking about the custom of going to the chapel to get married, Xie Yan thought of it , if there was a ‘dowry’ saying that he wanted to marry the person he liked, he should first gather enough dowry, so that he could have a chance to marry.

Originally, it was an obvious half joking question. As a result, the other party answered so honestly. Gu Huai raised his hand and touched his lips with his finger. He was slightly smirking.

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“I have a lot of betrothal gifts. Can I marry Ah Huai?” Xie Yan asked in a low and calm voice, unconsciously speaking cautiously. After all, his knowledge on the customs on the human world was old. Xie Yan didn’t know if it was still correct. 

Lf mtbxfv ktfc tf tfjgv atf defralbc, yea rfflcu atf rfglber ibbx bo atf rqlgla lc ogbca bo tlw, Xe Lejl olcjiis cbvvfv tlr tfjv joafg mbeutlcu, “Tfr.”

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