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There were time intervals for such a large-scale teleportation using power tearing space, the return trip depended only on the warship’s navigation.

Sitting on the left shoulder of the Tak Zerg, the young zerg approached the porthole of the warship and looked interested in observing the horizon outside the window. 

The warship maintained a precise speed, and after leaving the abandoned planet, they seemed to have reached another galaxy, which was the conclusion of Gu Huai’s observation.

“The planet is beautiful.” Pointing to a planet just in sight, Gu Huai turned his eyes over to the Tak Zerg carrying him, the zerg hissed in agreement.

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The planet looked like a beautiful gemstone with a pale blue halo on the surface and several circles around it. He could roughly distinguish land and sea, except for the gap, so the blue planet was easily associated with Earth.

In fact, with the intelligence of the low-class Zerg, it had no idea whether it was beautiful or not, but since the King zerg told it that it was “beautiful”, even if it didn’t understand, it would agree . 

After the the Tak Zerg responded, the whole warship suddenly stopped.


The angle of his view suddenly changed, Gu Huai was stunned and didn’t understand until he felt the familiar tail wrap around his waist.

There were not many people in the command room, and except for the silver-haired zerg who was the leader, only a few of the zerg’s confidants were generally allowed in.

While the young zerg was still dumbfounded, the silver-haired zerg had carried him back to the command chair. Moving his finger and tapping the lower panel, the virtual star map expanded in front of him, with each planet’s name and location, he could simply check for a simple introduction of the planet.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This was a generic version of the map. If the map was produced by the Exploration Fleet within the country, it would usually be marked with additional information of various kinds, and the unknown areas would be reduced.

“Which one?” The voice of the silver-haired Zerg was very low and calm.

Relative to the low body temperature of the Zerg, the body temperature of the young zerg in his arms seemed very warm. Since he circled his tail around the waist of the young zerg, the cold silver-haired Zerg’s pupils dilated slightly. 

He liked and wanted to protect him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Slatfg bo atbrf akb kbgvr kfgf delaf ecojwliljg ab Cinfr. Ccv tf kjr ecvbeyafvis yfaafg ja rjybajuf atjc qgbafmalbc, jcv atf ijaafg kjr wemt fjrlfg ab lwqifwfca atjc atf obgwfg.

Xe Lejl vlvc’a atlcx wemt jybea atf qijcfa tf kjr ibbxlcu ja. Lf delmxis qblcafv ab j qjif yief qijcfa bc atf eqqfg gluta bo atf wjq.

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