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The human and Zerg armies were in the same position and the two armies were at peace.

The conversation area was isolated by soldiers on both sides, even the daring spectators could not hear what was being discussed. 

They only knew that the two races, which had been at conflicts with each other, had talked peacefully as if they were in a happy atmosphere. In the end, they left each other peacefully without any friction.

Although Mino star explicitly stipulated that no use of force was allowed, it was shocking to see how the Zergs and humans cooperated in harmony in the trading area.

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Starting with the landing of the Yula battleship fleet on Mino Star, people of all races attracted to Mino Star by the Sieser Auction felt they didn’t know how many times they were shocked. There were so many big news on Mino star recently that they could hardly digest it.

If this went on, even if the Zergs joined the Twelve Stars Alliance some day in the future, they could accept it calmly. 

And their idea would come true.

The ultimate result of the conversation between the Zergs and the humans was that the two humans would be picked up by the humans after the Auction. In fact, in recent days, Tuther had received many messages from some races, mostly implicitly expressing their will to establish diplomatic relations with the Zergs, and the message had some tentative implications. Interplanetary information flowed very quickly.

The Goblins had been seen as a successful example. Some other races couldn’t resist. Of course, the cautious races preferred to wait and see.

“All those who are willing to establish diplomatic relations are accepted. Opening up trade channels is in accordance with the normal rules. I’m relieved that Ellis is in charge of diplomacy.” Connected to the communication image of Tuther Star Military Building, Gu Huai barely maintained his normal expression to finish this sentence, because the virtual image presented in front of him at this time was really a little uh… He didn’t know how to describe it.

The 19th floor office of the military building was filled with Tuther high-level personnel. These high-level Zergs now surrounded the communication image, one by one, they were still scrambling to stand closer.

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Although their King only spent a few days on the other planet, the Zerg tribes on Tuther basically became old fathers/mothers who were eager for their child to return home from the moment they left the airport.

Srqfmljiis klat atf rlhf bo atf mbcnbs gfvemfv ys akb atlgvr, atf Ifgur bc Keatfg mbeiv cba tfiq kbggslcu jybea ktfatfg atflg Blcu kbeiv yf yeiilfv bearlvf, atfs fnfc rfa eq j afifqbgajalbc vfnlmf, ajgufalcu Zlcb rajg.

Pa kjr kfii xcbkc atja afifqbgajalbc vfnlmfr kfgf fzagfwfis fcfgus-mbcrewlcu, cba ab wfcalbc atf vfilnfgs bo jc fcalgf jgws. Zjlcajlclcu atf bqfgjalbc bo atf vfnlmfr gfdelgfv j mbcalceber reqqis bo fcfgus mgsrajir ja atf mbra bo jybea olnf bg rlz qijcfar ja j alwf. 

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