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He was very familiar with being held by the old man. Gu Huai was a little sleepy and wanted to sleep just after he had played enough toys. But at this time, he heard his grandfather say to him, “Grandpa will take you to see someone today.”

Gu Xicheng didn’t expect the child who had been born for more than three months to understand his words. But Gu Xicheng saw his precious blink after he finished speaking, and then his round black eyes turned. 

He was in a good mood when he was looked at by his baby. He thought that his good grandson was smart at first sight. When he grew up, he must be a ‘dragon or a Phoenix.’

But even if he was not a ‘dragon or a Phoenix’, it was OK. As long as he could grow up safely without illness, he could pave the road for the other before the other half of his foot stepped into the coffin.

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Meeting people. He was curious about the people he wanted him to meet, so he didn’t let himself sleep. Before he was ready to leave, he put a pacifier which was handed to his grandfather by a black suit into his mouth.

He was not a real baby psychologically. Gu Huai didn’t feel much about the pacifier, but it was crammed into his mouth. Sometimes he couldn’t help sucking on it. 

The black suits that Gu Huai usually saw were all living in Gu’s manor, which was quite lively to some extent.

The place was not far away. Gu Huai, with a pacifier in his mouth, was carried all the way down the revolving stairs by his grandfather to the elegant living room on the lower floor. A little closer, Gu Huai saw an old man who looked almost the same age as his grandfather sitting on a solid leather sofa, and he also held a child in his arms.

Was this the gathering of old people?

He hadn’t experienced this personally, but Gu Huai had seen it in the original world.

When several old people came together, they often started to talk about their grandchildren. Especially now, when both sides were holding them.

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When Gu Xicheng sat down in the opposite seat of the old man in a suit, Gu Huai could see the two people’s faces clearly from this angle.

The old man in the opposite seat looked calm and full of vitality in his suit. When he saw the man coming, he picked up the purple pot on the table and poured two cups of tea slowly. The movement was so smooth and natural that it was not even like a guest was approaching. Anyone could see that the relationship between the other and his grandfather was very familiar.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ca qgfrfca, atf mtliv lc atf batfg’r tjcv delfais mibrfv tlr fsfr. Xe Lejl atbeuta atja atf mtliv bqqbrlaf tlw kbeiv yf ubbv ibbxlcu ktfc tf ugfk eq. 

“Yqfc sbeg fsfr, tf lr wbgf ilnfis atjc ws rbc.” Obbxlcu ja atf ilaaif vbii lc Xe Wlmtfcu’r jgwr klat gbecv fsfr jcv yilcxlcu ja tlw, tf mbeivc’a tfiq jvwlglcu tlw.

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