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The pale and handsome young man in front of him gave him a sense of familiarity both in his actions and in his words. Gu Huai was stunned by the sense of familiarity he felt.

Gu Huai could only think of Alves when he sent flowers to him with such an earnest and careful attitude. 

His ink colored complex robes looked luxurious. The man in front of him was as handsome as the silver haired zerg in the last world, but there was no similarity in their appearances.

Light colored peach blossoms adorned the branches of peach blossoms. The hand holding the branch had a pale skin. His fingers were distinct and looked very slender and beautiful.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden.com

At the end of his dismay, Gu Huai reached for the peach branch handed to him. After receiving it, he raised his head and bent his eyebrows at the man who handed it to him. In response, he whispered “Chirp.”

“Chirp…?” Xie Yan repeated the word with a cold, low voice. Xie Yan bent down and picked up the thin teenager in front of him. 

It was the standard holding posture, but Xie Yan’s gesture was very strange because it was the first time in his life.

Very light… He was too thin.

Feeling only a little weight, Xie Yan’s frowned, making the atmosphere cold.

And although the teenager was already wearing the new clothes Yunlan Zong had prepared for him, the clothes still looked very rude from Xie Yan’s point of view.

It was not the pulling silk that was used. Neither was it the secondary Xianyun brocade. Moreover, the clothes didn’t even have the basic tenfold prohibition.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden.com

Being held by him, Gu Huai reached out and touched the other’s long black hair.

Not silver hair… Gu Huai’s current mood was not calm at all, as the other’s identity was confirmed by series of words and deeds.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ciatbeut atf rsrafw rjlv fjgilfg ktfc tf kjr qbbg, la tjv rjlv atja tf wluta tjnf j mtjcmf ab wffa tlw lc atlr kbgiv, yea Xe Lejl jmaejiis vlv cba tbqf obg la ja olgra. 

Dfmjerf tf atbeuta ja atja alwf, fnfc lo tf wfa, atf batfg fzlrafv lc j abajiis vloofgfca rtjqf lc atlr kbgiv, jcv atfgf kjr cb wfwbgs gfijafv ab tlw, atja kjr ab rjs, fnfc lo tf ibbxfv atf rjwf jr lc atf qgfnlber kbgiv, tf kbeiv cba gfmbuclhf tlw.

But the situation was obviously much better than he had imagined. It was obvious from his eyes that the other did not remember him, but still recognized him.

After picking up the thin teenager, Xie Yan stood in silence for a while. To give flowers to him and successfully accomplish it, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

The broken peach branch was held by the teenager in his hand. He watched the youth touch the petals with his fingers. Xie Yan’s voice slowly opened his mouth and said, “Spiritual realm…” There were many. 

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