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Once again, there were a lot of visitors at the door of trial. A huge spirit army and the whole Yunlan Zong sect were crossing the door to enter the Xiuzhen world.

According to the agreement, the spirits made room for Yunlan Zong’s development in the Spirit territory, and many high-level spirits expressed their willingness to accept them. 

In just a few days after arriving in the spirit world, Gu Huai, who was originally staying in the Xiaoqian world, no longer had a pitiful appearance. He was wearing a gorgeous robe made of spirit silk, and then wrapped in a small cloak made of frost snow fox fur…

Being wrapped in so many clothes, needing to appear a little more round, showed how thin his body was.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

His five senses hadn’t filly grown yet, but since Gu Huai passed through the body, the contour of the five senses of his body had gradually developed.

Therefore, even though he was still young at present, they could see how beautiful he would be in the future. 

Clearance value: 15%

The newly increased clearance value was due to his arrival in the spirit world and the fact that he already knew his identity in the world. Naturally, Gu Huai also knew the reason why the spirits had a special attitude towards him, and.. .

Lying in a relatively open place in a sea of flowers, Gu Huai opened his eyes to the flowers swaying in the wind above, and recalled Tuther star.

Many spirits in the Xiuzhen world were still worshiped, but this was reflected in their return to the spirit world, and now no spirits were willing to sleep like before, one by one, they became active in the spirit world.

The so-called activity was that the spirits had learned the skill of making garlands collectively.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

They had long been cultivators who became immortals. They were used to solving all kinds of things with magic. So for this kind of things that needed to be made by hand, these spirits were very bitter. The finished products hadn’t been made, but a pile of discarded products had been formed.

If the foreigners who came from the other realms could see that each of them were weaving something with flowers and branches, and they looked so careful and serious, they would be stunned directly on the spot.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As a group of cultivators who were real immortals or even above Xuanxian, they were helpless to a wreath. As one of the five spiritual masters, the spirit of the world tree looked at its tangled peers, stretched out a section of intertwined branches without saying a word, and then decorated them with flowers with its innate ability. 

Kb wjxf j kgfjat remmfrroeiis, atf jcmlfca kbbv rqlgla klat lar teuf ybvs rabqqfv ja atf fvuf bo atf oibkfg rfj, cla vjglcu ab fcafg. Pa tjv cfnfg erfv lar tewjc obgw, jcv atf oibkfg rfj lc ogbca bo la kjr nfgs qgfmlber. Po tf kjixfv qjra, j ijguf cewyfg bo oibkfgr kbeiv yf agjwqifv ys la.

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