Chapter 2

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We stayed there for about an hour, speaking without talking.
"Do you think Vinny is ok?"
"He should be fine."
"Are you sure-"
"Sabrina. Don't worry, worry isn't going to get you anywhere."
"What if I don't have anywhere to go?"
I close my mouth and my eyes, we could go down, my brain says. I sigh and say,"Nowhere to go but up."
"But we haven't even hit rock bottom yet, and we might not survive the journey down."
I look over at her, her face is still shiny from crying, but she stopped crying.
Suddenly I hear footsteps, I reflexively grab onto Sabrina, she shrieks and I hold my breath, and if I had a light I would have seen Sabrina's cheeks go pale.
"You guys are lucky it's only me."
"Keep it down!"
"Yeah Mila keep it down!"
I give her the look but I laugh and fake punch her.
"So, where have you been?"
"Listen, guys.."
"Vinny. What is it?"
He sighs and in the moonlight I can see his face, paler than usual.
"Vinny?" I say, with a softer voice.
"You know how Kiryomi and Melodie are friends of ours but don't come to the meeting because they think the large group of people will attract attention?"
"Yeah, they just meet behind the buildings with us."
"Well I think they decided to come tonight-"
"Really! That's great, we haven't seen each other since Kiryomi got that warning! Where are they?"
"I met them on the way over, we were walking together for a bit, then-"
"Melodie pushed me down into the bushes but they couldn't get down fast enough, a few soldiers riding in a vehicle saw them.."
"They're gone, they will be fed to nature tomorrow.."
"One by one." Sabrina whispers, but it is so quiet outside that they could hear her loud and clear.
"At least they'll be with Lukey." Vinny says, we hear the tremble in his voice.
"Soon we'll all be together again." I say.
"We might be getting back together sooner than we wish."

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