Chapter 6

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The vines start to creep towards their legs, one of them wraps around Kiryomi's leg, but she shakes it off. The vine hits a tree, suddenly all the vines creep towards the girls.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Don't make nature angry little girls."
I clench my fists in my seat, how could someone be so cruel, so- so emotionless.
Melodie grabs Kiryomi's hand as the vines creep closer.
Suddenly the vines strike, like how snakes would. They wrap around their ankles, literally sucking the life out of them. They start to pale, and then they start crying, not bawling, just silent tears.
"Melodie." Kiryomi says in a whisper.
"Yes." She replies, barely audible.
"I love you."
"Me too."
And then they kissed, they wrapped their arms around each other as the vines did the same to them.
At least they died together.

    A/N Sorry this chapter is short- I mean shorter than the others at least. Like this chapter is so short that wattpad is like: this takes 37 seconds to read-

Ya know what wattpad?! I DON'T CARE

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