Chapter 10

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I walk back to my soon to be old home. To be honest I am really scared, I need to sneak into the weapons warehouse, ya know, past SIX guards.
I've decided to do it during the night, so I need to go get some sleep, and wait a  w h o l e  day.
Luckily the day wasn't too long, the only thing that really happened was Nikolai bullying a little girl, I think her name was Rosalie.
When the curfew guard walks by and I pretend to be asleep, then I prob up pillows to look like me, and climb out the window.
The weapons warehouse is a 5 mile walk, so I run. I arrive out of breath but unnoticed, thankfully.
There are three guards guarding the front entrance, and three in the back. Nobody is guarding the window 25 feet up into the air.
I've never been ok with heights, and climbing a tall building with a rusty pocketknife I found on the ground is probably not on my bucket list.
When I reach the window the pocketknife breaks, thankfully the window has a ledge. I sit in the edge and open the window, I crawl into the room. A bunch of pistols lay on the table, next to the ammo. I forgot a bag, so I can only carry two, but knowing Sabrina she would never shoot somebody. Never.
I load up my pockets with ammo and two of the guns. Then I look out the window, it's a long long long way down.  I look around and find a rope, I take what's left of the pocketknife to cut it. I tie one end to me and the other to the table. Here goes nothing.

I jump.

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