Chapter 16

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My head hurts.
My brain hurts.
I want to remember.
But my brain won't let me.

Don't you just want to forget?
No, I don't.
But won't it be easier to get over the pain if you don't remember anything about her?

My head hurts again, I wince and someone squeezes my shoulder.

But I want to remember.
We all want things Mila, but you should know by now.

My head Sears with pain, my vision blurs, the world starts spinning. I grip the sides of my chair, I almost pass out. I need to stay conscious, for, for, for a girl. Sabrina! She was my friend, I loved her, I think.

Nobody ever gets what they want.
Wouldn't it be easier, to just forget.. everything.
No, no please

I can't feel my body, I can't see, the only thing I feel is pain.
But I need to stay conscious, for, for a friend. For someone.

Someone I loved.

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