Chapter 13

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I wasn't hallucinating.

I woke up in our new base, Vinny was sitting beside me.
I groan and say, " I should've thought of getting a first aid kit."
"Lucky for you I'm smart and I got one myself!"
"Is Sabrina ok?"
"Well the food and water is here, she probably just got tired and headed back."
Just tired, I think. Sabrina doesn't get tired, I don't really either. Vinny does though.
"Mila you should rest, and you've been out for an hour if that's what your wondering. If you wear the rights clothes tomorrow nobody will notice."
"How will I get back?"
"Don't worry I got you."

I wake up to, "Attention all citizens! Report to the town square immediately, dress in your formal wear!"

Sabrina, no, please. Not you, anyone but you. Please. please.

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