Chapter 12

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After a few minutes I realize a few things:
1: I'm not dead
2: My feet aren't touching the ground
3: I tied the rope too tight
The rope was the perfect length, but when I reached the ground the rope lurched up and maybe cracked a rib.
I untie myself, when I hit the ground I let out a squeal of pain, maybe a few ribs, I think.
I look around, the guards on the left side didn't hear me, but the guards on the right did.
"Shoot! Shoot!"
I duck as a bullet whizzed right over my head.
Despite the immense pain I'm in, I run. Every step burns, every step I take hurts more and more, but I must. keep. going.
The guards are gaining on me, one of them stayed behind, so I only had two on my tail, not that that's any better.
As they run they shoot at me, the people of our town use very very sharp bullets, they are so sharp that they can shoot through three people.
So of course they can shoot through my shoulder.
I thought I knew pain when I was five and was whipped for crying.
I thought I knew pain when I fell out of that tree.
I thought I knew pain when I broke my arm.
Nothing can compare to this. The bullet went all the way through. I was bleeding like crazy, there was no way I could lose them. I'm gonna die, I think.
Of course, I'm right, but I'm not dying today.
The last thing I see is Vinny with John's gun, shooting the soldiers in the legs.

I must be hallucinating.

Then everything went dark.

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