Chapter 23

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I keep walking, and punching the occasional tree.

The forest is getting thicker.
More trees.
Less room.

Every now and then I think I hear a gunshot, or men shouting, but I just shake my head and keep walking.

But the more I walk the louder it gets.

I start to run.

The trees are everywhere, blocking everything, but I have to get out. I punch a tree. And another.
And another.
I look down at my hand.

I'm bleeding a lot.

Too much.

I shake my head and keep running.

Louder and louder they get.

I keep running hoping to find a clearing to lie down and catch my breath.

That's exactly what I find.

Thousands of soldiers in their silver uniforms marching in perfect unison-

Towards thousands of people. Dirty clothes. Makeshift weapons.

The soldiers stop, and stay perfectly still.

The quiet before the storm, I think.


Thousands upon thousands of bullets rain down on the people. But the pull up sheets of metal that protect most of them.


They run forwards, knives out, faces cold and unreadable. Silver uniforms shining in the hot sun.

The other people charge forwards, faces solemn and full of purpose.
I like those people better.

The battle begins, bodies litter the battlefield, and I suddenly realize what's happening.

Rebels, I think.

My heart is pounding, in a good way.

These are my kind of people.

I scan the battlefield, looking for someone I can talk to. I spot an adorable girl, probably a year younger than me, throwing knives like a beast. My lips curve into a smile, but it's stops when a man comes running at her with a gun.

I don't think, I just act.

But at least I don't run, not into the woods at least.

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