Chapter 8

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We usually meet by a big oak tree, close to the guard post, but not too close. This time we decided to meet by an uprooted tree, a longer walk, but it's worth it.
I'm the first one there, as usual. Eventually Sabrina comes, giggling and Vinny follows behind, laughing so hard that he's crying.
I laugh a bit too, "What happened this time?"
"Ya know John?"
"Of course I know John, he's the one you make fun of for being short, right?"
"Yeah, good thing he doesn't really care though."
"Yeah, so what happened?"
"On the way here we passed him and Vinny said, 'hey shortie', and then we ran away!"
"Don't worry though, even though he WAS yelling he was also smiling!"
"Haha ok, but next time make sure I'm there!"
"Sure, anyways, why are we meeting here?"
I take a deep breath, "Ok, so I want to run away-"
"Of course you do-"
"Sabrina, shut up. This time I want to stick with the plan, ok?"
"You mean like go through with it 100%??" Sabrina wore a brave face, but I could tell from her eyes that she was fearful.
"Sabrina don't worry, we'll be ok."
"Ok, promise?"
I sigh, I can't promise that she will be ok, but I need her with me.

"I promise I will protect you."

       You know what they say, promises are made to be broken.

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