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A/N: This chapter consists of letters. These are the owls written from Albus to his father, Harry, over the course of a month. These correspondences all happen during the same time frame as Scorpius's therapy talks. Enjoy!


Dear Dad,

This is Albus. Which you know. Because *scratched out* actually never mind. Before I left, I promised you I'd write at least weekly. So for better or worse, here's an update?

I arrived safety at Hogwarts without jumping off the train. Please tell Mum she doesn't need worry about that this time. I can guarantee the Trolley Witch was giving me evil looks the whole ride, so I don't think she's quite forgotten about that fiasco either...

Anyways, Rose has finally pressured me -sorry- graciously offered to tutor me in Charms, so I haven't gotten another Troll. Yeah. That all I really have to tell you. How are you?

~ Albus Potter


Dear Dad,

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SAW THE WEIRD SISTERS WITHOUT ME?!? That's just terrific. Less than a week after I left, and NOW you go see the band?? Don't you dare tell me that it was just a work trip because I'm not falling for that again.

Oh, by the way, please thank Mum for sending James that Howler. He totally deserved it, plus you could hear it from the Astronomy Tower! Sadly, stealing the entire Slytherin broom supply seems to have made James even more popular. With an ego that big, who needs Howlers? (Dad that was a joke.)

~ Albus Potter



Thanks for the sweets you sent. I may forgive you... eventually. Rose says thank you too, since she stole half of them. Who knew she had such a sweet tooth? Oh and I hope Mum feels better soon, please give her my love!

~Albus Potter



I passed the Charms test! Rose says she should get the credit there, but I disagree since I was the one who managed to unlock three different chests. The fact she unlocked seven does nothing to help my self-confidence.

Why are you asking about Divination? You do realize the worst teacher in the history of Hogwarts teaches that class, right?

~ Albus Potter



"Professor" Umbridge? Who wore... pink? So you are telling me she actually existed?! I thought "You're such an Umbridge" was like this random thing...

~ Albus



BLOODY HELL SHE'S AWFUL!!! Wait so that scar on your hand wasn't a freak potion accident?? Wow. Yeah those four biographies did not do your story justice, did they? By the way: FOUR?!? I get being the chosen one but like... bloody hell.

~ Albus



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