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"What's wrong with him?"

"Is he sick?"

"Is he poisoned?"

"Is he possessed?"
The coven gathered around my son when I brought him back to the sanctuary. After the attack Mickson had disappeared. Melody and Rio had spent hours combing the areas to find him but he disappeared with no trace. During that time Angelica had spent a long time trying to examine my son looking to see what they had done to him. When Innocent drank the black liquid he just got back up and was his same normal self. .

"He's fine," she explained.

"What? What do you mean he's fine."

"He's not afraid of water. No signs of possession. No signs of illness. No signs of anything. He's 100 percent healthy."

It confused the fuck out of us. Why would the demons go through so much to attack my son and not do anything to him. In a few minutes it was Micko who was dragged into the room by Demetrius who Brandon had paid to be his full time keeper. Micko was standing there with this blank stare on his face. Unlike my son...Micko had clear signs of possessions. His eyes were black. His skin looked strained and bruised almost. It was clear that the demon was back in him.

I went over to him grabbing him up by his collar. For the moment I had almost forgotten it was Micko's body. It didn't even fucking matter.

"What did you do to my son!"
"We will only talk to the leader of the coven."

Brandon came forward and looked at him, "Fine. What did you do?"
Micko or Belial who started laughing at that moment like Brandon had said something funny. Brandon had to literally pry me off of Micko at that point. It didn't matter that it was Micko. The only thing that could hurt me was my son above all other things. For the moment I thought maybe I should have just ended Micko. He wanted it. He would have preferred that than to hurt his OWN son.

"The real leader Brandon," the demon said, "We all know who that is?

We all looked over at Genesis. He had been quiet in the corner of the room playing with an unlit cigarette this entire time. He was the first to examine my son but when he saw nothing was wrong with my son he seemed completely uninterested.

"Unlike the rest of these people I will not listen to demon bullshit," Genesis said and rolled his eyes.

"Genesis please..." I said, "I need to know if there is something wrong with Innocent."

I didn't know why I felt like it was ok to cross the room and actually hold onto his hand like I was. I was actually grabbing onto him. The entire room was looking at me. It was way too personal. I could tell that people thought it was weird. I NEVER showed Genesis any sort of affection or physical contact when other people were around. I made it my business to stay away.

Genesis softened when I did it though and turned to the demon, "What did you do to the kid Belial?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

At that moment Genesis ran up and put a boot right in Micko's face. I didn't feel bad. I should have. It was Micko's face but I was pissed. I was pissed at the demon inside of Micko. Micko would have wanted to be tortured if it came to Innocent. The demon fell to the ground and got back up with the bloody nose. No one in the room stopped him. We all just watched. Rio, Melody, Brandon and Angelica were standing there gathered together not saying anything. Then there were the new ones Whyte and Kitty Kat who seemed to note really understand what was going on.

"I'm not going to repeat myself a third time. What did you do to Innocent?"

The boot to the face made the demon talk though, "Nothing."

Witch Doctor #4: Talisman MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now