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We had ten minutes left to stall.
Just ten minutes. Already one of us was dead. Melody was dead on the floor.
Behind me Angelica was huddled in a corner. Mickson guarded her.
Something was happening to Micko. 

 His mouth elongated. His wings grew longer. I looked to my right to see Micko transforming into a large white bird. It may have been some sort of fiery dove or something. I wasn't sure. It seemed more of a distraction then anything. The bird was huge. I was in awe that Micko was able to imagine something like that let alone change himself into it!
"Fuck Micko!" I tried to warn him.
The demons had their eyes glued on Micko's transformation. It was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life. A beautiful white dove with fire wings. It was a phoenix born from the ashes.
And I found myself falling in love with Micko all over again as if this was the first time I saw him. He was SO beautiful.

There was way too much going on for me to focus on exactly what the hell the creature was doing. The wings spread out almost taking over half of the room. He took off into the sky. He was leading an attack against them and at his back was a lion. At first I wasn't sure who the lion was. I ran towards lion ready to stab it until I realized that it had to be Whyte. God knows where Whyte had learned that kind of transformation but I was glad.
It was the demon that possessed Orion Ferris that jumped on Micko. It dragged Micko to the ground.

"Micko!" I screamed.
His white wings flapped in the air thrashing around like some sort of wet dog. His beak pecked at Orion Ferris knocking him down. Just when Orion fell however the other three demons jumped on him, grabbing onto his wings, pulling him to the ground. They clawed at him and still somehow Micko was able to stay in the sky...but only barely.
Whyte tried to help but he was slapped away. He turned back into a human almost immediately and Mickson ran over to help him. It was almost like they were madly focused just on Micko. They were ripping at him. They were angry. They were desperate.

I had to do it. Forbidden magic. I knew it was dumb to risk it but it. It was a spell that had been forbidden because there it was extremely dangerous to the victim.
I drew my knife and stabbed.
The spell was called a Stabbing.
My mind wasn't focused however it was just frantic. I had to save Micko. I loved Micko. Maybe it was at that moment that I realized how much he meant in my life. The pain shot through me as I stabbed myself sacrificing my own pain so that my enemies would feel the same.

The spell worked as I fell to my knees pulling the knife out of me. The four demons fell to the ground and looked immobile. A stabbing had NEVER before worked on more than one person at a time. The fact that I was able to get all four down at that time shocked the fuck out of me.
Micko had been hurt though. I saw him falling to the ground and I had to admit it was the most beautiful sight in the world. He was changing back now half human...half dove. He looked like an angel falling from the heavens. And I started to move but I couldn't make it. The pain from my spell was too painful. I wanted to catch him. I wanted to catch my falling angel.

But it was Regis Ramone who caught him.
"You caught me?" Micko said looking in his eyes.
"I'll always catch you," Regis said, "I came back...I came back to Moreen Island because I saw you falling. A beautiful angel in the sky. I knew when I saw you falling that I was going to be the one to catch you."
That was when Micko leaned forward and kissed him.
The pain shot through me. It wasn't the pain from the spell. My self-inflicted wound had already healed. There was another wound though. There was a wound that I felt would never mend. Micko knew I was there. He had no regard for the matter. I wanted to be mad at him but I couldn't. My own confusion in the relationship had caused all of this. I didn't know it would be so painful to see him learning to love again.
I wasn't Micko's hero anymore. The way that Micko looked up at Regis at that moment said it all. His eyes sparkled when Regis caught him from the sky.

Witch Doctor #4: Talisman MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now