Chapter 4: Beyond Cruel

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Sending us to class after our meeting with Professor Amuro was exhausting and beyond cruel.

Pete spent the rest of the class with his head on the table, Kong seemed focus on the discussion as he scribbled notes.

We made to our afternoon class a few minutes early.

Professor Tee Armstrong stood in front, writing about the precise on using magic building secret passages and invisible buildings.

The world of wizards is crazy, even we inherited our magic power from our parents, we can learn secondary and tertiary as our work.

For someone like Professor Armstrong age (He might be around 3 years older), he had a strange two porcelain horns spurting from his dark blue hair. His eyes were the unusual mint green.

Heard from M that he had faerie blood, that was why he looked like this. He was also expert in histories and latin.

When the afternoon class ended, Pete and I headed home while M and May had a date somewhere. That night, My body floating in the ceiling.

Interested in gravity magic, I kept practicing it whenever I read my text book.
Pete was on the desk, writing the group assignment we have with Professor Tum.

The Gear Heart Master. "This seem kind of weird but...are you planning to look for a date?"

Pete stopped and looked up at me, I spun around like Cheshire the cat from Alice in Wonderland. Imagining I have my tail wiggling, my body disappearing and my head was only left.

"Date?" Pete stared off, lost in his thoughts. "No. You?"

I've been wanting to ask you. I wanted to say but it would be awkward. "No."
Pete gave me a satisfying smirk. "Then we're even."

"Guess the dating part is out of our heads. I wouldn't mind at all who will fall for me." I said.

"Do you want to ask a pathetic human?"

"Pete! No!" I scowled. Our rules of exposing our wizard world to the humans could have extreme punishment from the magic council.

Pete perked up. "Oh?"

"I'm guessing your definition of date differs from mine."

"Sorry, Ghost." It was another one of his witty barbs. "Last time I checked, you stop liking someone because you were the King's champion. You aren't expert in socializing."

"But" I said. "I did. However, it's not in my priorities yet."

"Then you can focus on yourself first. Not that this beginning would be overkill. "said Pete, looking uncertain.

"Don't worry." I hovered down gently on my bed as I quote Cheshire the cat; "We're all mad here."

"Come on, Cheshire." Pete said with a smug look. "Let's buy something in 7/11"

Kong POV

I spotted P'Arthit waiting outside the Japanese restaurant. Sneaking slowly and silently towards him, I poked his cheek.

P'Arthit nearly scream at my presence. "Ooooy!"

"How long have you been here?"

P'Arthit rolled his eyes, removing my finger from his face. "Kongpob! Why'd you have to do that?"

I smiled. "Sorry, a bit late. I need to look good."

"You need to." He said quietly. "After we eat can we go to the Wizard bookstore?"

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