Chapter 5: Chimera

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On my fourth week in Ravika University, I managed to be close with P'Third and P'Bone. I spent most of my extra time on library especially on Tuesday and Thursday.

I have a night class while Pete's dismissal was in three.
P'Third and P'Bone didn't have an internship this day, said that there's a no work day in the company, so they got back to school to comply for their next month's homework.

"Do we still have to learn about weaponry?" asked P'Bone.
P'Third held up his gazed at his friend. "We need at least to forge one in the company before we get back here."

"Why don't you use your magic?" I inquired.
"Because..."P'Third said as he turn the page. "That would be unfair."

"Unfair? It would be easy for us!" P'Bone protested.
"What I'm saying is that, it's cheating." Third said. As I slid into the row, I found the book I was looking for just as a hand touched mine.

I immediately jostle it away. "Oh, sorry." The boy from Strife's group.

This jerk had guts to smile at me as if nothing had happen back at first day.
"P'Kao right?" he pressed.

"Yeah, and I don't care who you are." I said coldly.

"Dude, don't be silly." His smile was annoying, I wanted to punch him. But I would not risking Pete and I's academics for another violent behavior in this university. "I'm Non Disaro."

Great, another Disaro. So this was Steel's younger brother. "What do you want, Non?" I sighed, still glaring at him.

"I want us to be friends." Non said.

"I think us--friends would be dangerous."
Non tensed. And I masked the twinge of guilt I'm feeling. " It must be weird to transfer here, with your boyfriend being a dark hunter."

My heart began beating fast. "Pete's not my boyfriend."

"Oh?" Non smirked. "I thought you guys were dating."

"He's just..." I paused. The kiss. The way he kiss me that day in Graiville. It was just because I hadn't had my first kiss, and he tolerated me. "Friend."

Non shrugged. "Can't help it then? I see his eyes always stick at you like a glue."
"He's just a friend." I repeated.

"You guys have been in Graiville for so long. Couldn't avoid rumors too that you grew up in the demonoid tower. The place where Ash kidnapped wizards and make them his own slave." Said Non.

A struck of old fear peeled in me like fresh wound. I'd never cry and I was clearly trying not too now. My eyes were suspiciously wide. "I was just glad that I could live now like a normal wizard."

"Kao!" It was P'Third, his hand firmly clamped around a green covered book. "I found the defense and offenses style of magic."

P'Third looked from me to Non. "I guess, I'll see you tomorrow" Then Non was gone.

P'Third eyes stayed on me. "you don't look comfortable."

I thought about my family, and the sin I've committed by pushing M into that portal. And I thought of Ash. If only I went to the portal with M. None of this would've happened. A throb of hatred went through me.

"I'm okay."

Kong POV

I couldn't believe that there would be one person I hate more than Strife. But that was before I met Matthew Disaro. Second year Gear Hearts had only one subject with the Sabertooths, so we didn't catch up with Strife and his friends.

Our Professor in our major put up the class into pairings for the solvings. My partner was M. Pete however, was working with Kao.

It was not difficult. M and I were called in front to solve when we were done.
Next to my table, Pete, however wasn't having any luck.

"You sure that this is the answer?" Pete shot Kao a dubious look.
"You're solving it wrong." I heard Kao snaps. "It's four times twelve. There you go, you have the answer."

Pete was in a bad mood after class. "It's no wonder he got perfect last time. He's a nightmare." He said.

"Nightmare?" Kao mimicked.

"Honestly, Kao. I don't know how you consumed all the given solvings." Pete said.

They passed through a group of students in the field. Joining their classmates.

Today we would venture into the magical woods of the university. Where hundred feet tall trees loom (generally 70 meters tall), and just had little sunlight.

Good thing, we're in the portion it wasn't too dark. Due to the tree's enormous size, wizards and chimeras can stay on the top of the branch.

Now, I was standing beside my friends; Pete looked aggravated, The twins in awe as they stared at the chimera. The creature had red and gold feathered wings, a body of a horse and a head of an eagle. Its beak were dark blue, pupils had gold rings, his feet had no hooves, but had bird's claws. Red feathered tail wiggling behind the chimera.

There was a horse stable or should I say, chimera stable at the end of the woods, where several different chimeras were kept.

"I think this is funny." Pete began.

"Terribly." I shrugged. From the look on Pete's face, he didn't like chimeras at all. "Have bad memories with a chimera?"

"Plenty." Said Pete. "God, this place is so magical that they bred these type of monsters. They're wild in the forest."

"This is Beaky." Said Professor Tum. He was teaching mythology creatures instead of our majors. P'Arthit explained that P'Tum was always fond of magical creatures that not even humans have known.

"A chimera. You see, a chimera could be handy in air battles. Yes, in today's technology we could use ships and aircrafts. But as not risking the existence of wizards. Chimeras are omnivorous creatures, they could eat carrots, fish and other birds. Now, who would like to say hello to Beaky?"

Everybody except Pete stepped back. "Well done, Dark hunter." Said Professor Tum. He looked at us, and most of our classmates were scared.

"WHAAAAT?" He shouted. "This isn't fair!"

"Come on, Dark hunter. Don't let your reputation destroy your fear of chimera." Professor Tum said. Kao pushed him forward. A few seconds later, Pete started to walk.

"In order to gain the chimera's trust. It isn't like horse. You should give him this." Professor Tum tossed a huge freshwater fish.

"Seriously! This creature would bite my hand off!" Pete clamored.

"Just give it to him." Professor Tum said calmly. Pete hesitantly walked towards the chimera. The creature made a cute gurgling noise as he moved his head like a curious bird. Pete closed his eyes hard. He was sweating while he held up the fish.

"That's it... Nice and slow." Professor Tum said. "Let him come to you."

Until the Chimera snatched the fish from Pete's grasp. The Chimera instantly ate the fish. It lowered its head to Pete, snuggling its beak.

Pete frantically patted its head, but it vanished. He gasped and shot us a smile.

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